Kyle's Commission Suit by NeoKazama

wow man i think your right this is gonna be a beautifull suit

i love the colours and the spots the look so natual

i cant w8 to see it being worn
Loving this build!!! Those colors are SA-WEET!!!!! :) Goooood work!!!!!!! I cant wait to see this suit being worn. It's gonna be an epic one!
It is a shame most of those beautiful spots will be covered up with armor, but we cant have a naked pred walking around so...
The skin is looking most beautiful, Chris. The colours work great together. :)
Good work chris!! I woulda posted something yesterday but had the WORST hangover ever LoL!!! 1st day i get it...i may walk to the store and order a slurpee!!! HAHA N E WAYZ....luving everything u have done to the suit, bio is super sick! Now all i need is to buy something to hold my suit for 6 months!!

thank you for the comments guys.

Nikki: Thanks again, the reason im completely painting the skin is to give the chance to Kyle, that if he ever wants to change the armor; every part will have the spots and no empty parts.
when i build my suit, i want to base it off your suit, except make the skin a little more blue.
i love everything about this suit. :)
its turned out perfect all the way to the end. i love it, nice job.

hay have you made your chest armor yet?
Hi Guys !!!

IM BACK !!!!!!!!

Once again thank you for the comments on the post; After a almost two weeks with no updates, because i been very busy with work and some personal stuff, so i felt bad for leaving Kyle without any new pictures, so I took the day off and worked on the suit since 7:30 am. until now.. I'm gonna be honest, I'm high !! clear coat is a bit** if you painting in your 1 bedroom apartment :)

Im officially done with skins, still 1 foot, 1 hand to finish (they only have 2 out of the 6 colors i used for the skin) the chest plate and backpack, laser, netting, and like Colm would say : The ass rag lol

So enough talking and more snappy snap !!

Hope you guys like it!!







Wow... When you started I'd tried to imagine how your palette was going to mesh.. My oh my just outstanding! I know artists outside of this network of talent that would dream of your accomplishment and call themselves noobie with an AB... Ha I'm very pleased to be starting a skin of my own and have lots of fresh inspiration... Well done Chris and many Thanks for posting..

You're killing me Smalls!

Chris mate.. thats all kinds of wow.......

to be honest when you first showed of the colours on the head i was a bit iffy.. altho the paint up was stunning... but now seeing it altogether it looks very very cool..

oh and leave my ass rags out of
WOW !! Thanks again guy for the feedback, but I couldn't have done it without all the excellent tutorials and ideas of other members, just to name drop some

*Bovine13 and his elderpredator thread, this is a bible of how to build a suit.

*My airbrush teacher Scott Marshall for all the help i get from this guy through the email and phone and he still have time to make 10 suits while we are on the phone.

*Bryan (predator666) & George (PtGreek) for answering every annoying question i have. lol

*Scott Manowar and Kyle (Hyphyjuice) for giving me the oportunity to work on this suit.

*And like that i could name half of the forum lol..

George (PtGreek) for answering every annoying question i have. lol

Wait,... i should get a piece of that one as well....

well done chris, this suit is gonna be a bad ass when he is completed.

Great job! I had a question about the skin. When you painted the skin did you apply the dark spots before you airbrushed the various colors? Thanks.
Hi Guys,

Suit is almost done, just working in a couple of small bit and should be ready for shipping by the end of month.
Last piece to get painted, this is the combination of Carlart's P1 cannon and Mannowar's Latex Backpack, backplate and chest plate.

The way how i get this colors, first I primed the latex with a mix of black acrylic ink and liquid latex as my base, after 2 coats I paint a light layer of black. Then with a soft sponge, mottle copper ink, making sure is NOT uniform. Next is the mottling of light bronze. With a brush use a bit of green, to be honest is not an specific green that i use for the weathering of copper, i had some Christmas tree green, lol yeah that's the name of it.
Well back to painting i try to go with it (green) in all corners and then rub the green with my fingers to make a nice blend with other colors. Finally i go around again with some black with my airbrush to darken parts that maybe are to bright and don't look natural to me.
Oh! yeah still need to seal the paint with some ol' permawet, but that will be tomorrow.

Hope you like it !!




A real stunning piece! Thanks for revealing your secrets on how you achieved the paint up and how you did it. Will be very useful once I start painting.
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