Kurgan Helmet clean up and cast...

ok heres the unfinished kurgan helmet i bought off Falken and originally sculpted by Pete Mander. i am cleaning it up and will cast it for a run of sales. i found some flaws that i am going to clean up, i THINK the pull was bad and that caused the right side (left while facing) was higher than the other. also i am going to cut the helmet up the center and make it wider to fit my head (large) so the smaller guys can pad it for your comfort... this is a project i want to finish in the next week so if you dont see me post for a few days get back on it... heres a few pics so far...






well i will post as i go, the biggest part is making it larger for wearing but that shouldnt be to bad :) also when its closer to done i will do a list in the junk yard to get all the names set up... im thinking prices now, i will have to check on what each will take, but around 450 is what i am thinking... also not sure about raw casts... but thats all for when i get this one ready...
here are a few pics of the helmet after sanding, the first few are sanded up the center so u can see the differance... there are a bunch of small holes and im gonna see which i can leave for detail...






thanks guys :) and remember that Pete Mander was the sculptor of this mammoth beauty, i dont know who that is on here but this is a great piece of work and im very lucky to not only get this, but have the great pleasure and chance to reproduce them for those who have wanted one...
lol, well i mastered the highlander swords, conquered the captain america sheilds and the heman and excalabur are in a holding pattern awaiting other peoples work. so that, work (Arson investigator, paramedic), school (pre-med), wife (boss) and the US army... i have lots of time on my hands lol
AND i am wicked hyped about getting these things and my main goal is to (without fuss or muss) offer what i make to those who want em! thats the reason i started doing this... remembering as a kid when u saw a wicked cool prop on your favorite show and wondering how cool it would be to hold that and have the power it has, or the effects or... well you know lol
after sanding it i lined it out and took a thin tool saw and cut it up the center in half... i am cleaning out the resin and making it flat so i can fit it, i am also removing the slag so i can see where it sits on my face... i grabbed an old fire fighting helmet (carnes) and pulled the insert out, it was a perfect fit for my skull and after trimming off the attaching rim, fits nicely in the mold... so thats what i will go off... this was a good solid cast so its noce to work with...





looky, a helmet :) the first pic looking straight on is how i am going to adjust it to even out the sides and make it fit my head (im taking the pics myself so its not even now lol), the second is the helmet closed as much as i can, see how it sits higher on my chin... and its waaay uncomforatable...
sooo whats left? i have to beef up and equal out sides, im going to mess with the teeth, compared to the movie helmet and actual saber tooth skulls, the teeth here are more human... and the lwer jaw teeth will be beefed up...then mount it, fill in the back, like 2-3 inches gap after fixing it... then cast it! i am also gonna cast up a few of the top part and make some shoulder armor like the movie costume... well see lol...


WOW The kurgan is still alive..LOL i completely forgot about this Sculpt and i haven't been loggeed on this forum in ages..But just to clear things up as I had a few emails about this now..Everything is cool Scott is a good freaind of mine and its nice to see this Helment coming back to life and still around.

its looking great so far..Keep up the good work

BAAM! and thank you for making a pimp helmet and thank you for allowing me to make them for those who want em... i was looking to get in touch to see if you could send me some pics of the helmet in process :)