Hi Stormer,
I actually started a Kong map last year (Using only the reference from the trailer) . After I got the high res scan of the real map I realized the sizing was wrong so abandoned the project in the hopes of starting it again later...Unfortunately I've been too busy.
Heres what I had so far -
(Here's my Thror map from LOTR, just for fun -
The first step is to study the map and find out what kind of materials you may need. If you look at the images of the scan you'll that the images weren't created with a traditional pen. You may need to go to a local art store and pick up a quil , calligraphy type pen or a brush to get the "thick/thin" strokes. Also, you may need to pick up some sepia type ink (Waterproof ink would be the best...Considering that you'll probably be weathering it with a liquid substance at a later time. Wouldn't want the ink to run in the wrong places).
Also, check out some yellowish or tan type of pulpy poster paper . Probably something in a heavy stock (not cardboard, or those poster boards used in school science projects). Once you've got the poster paper, cut it to size.
After you get your supplies, take the scan of the real map (front and back) and adjust it a bit in PS. Adjust the contrast.Lighten the light areas and darken the dark areas (writing and drawings). Once you've bumped up the contrast print out the image of the front and back. (The original map is 12" X 9.5" which probably means it wont fit on normal paper....Just print out what part you can, then print ouyt the section you couldn't print the first time and piece it together with tape...Like a puzzle.)
Now take the image (either front of the map or back of the map) and tape it to one side of your tan poster paper ( With the writing facing the poster paper). Now, lay the poster paper down with the taped image on the bottom. You should be able to see the writing through the yellow poster paper. If the yellow paper is too thick, then try putting a lightsource underneath.
Now, begin tracing the images very lightly with a pencil.
After your finished, remove the image that was taped on, flip the yellow poster paper over and reapeat the same process with the oposite side .
After you're finished, remove the taped image, and begin inking in the details using your brush or calligraophy pen.
In order to get the runny ink effect seen on the original map just take some of your ink, pour it into a seperate cup, and add some water (You'll have to experiment to get the right consistancy). Once you have youre right mixture, dip you brush into the ink and begin creating your runny effects (It's similar to using water colors). Test it out on a scrap paper first. If you screw up and it looks too dark just keep a paper towel handy and dab it...It should pick up most of the darkness of the ink.
If you want a runny effect with sharp edges (like the skull face image) just dip your brush into the watered down ink and lightly draw the image. If you want a runny effect with really blurry edges (like the word "FOG" in the upper right hand corner of the map) first smear some water on the map, then dip your brush into the watered down ink and draw on the wet area of the map...THis will create a "spreading" effect in the ink.
After you're done with the inking and runny effects, you can experiment with more weathering. Here are some more techniques,
- As I mentioned before, water down some of your sepia ink, but instead of using your brush, dip a paper towel into it. THen squeeze the paper towel over the map and let it drip. Let it sit for a few minutes then dab it with a paper towel. You can also use extra black coffee or water colors. Also, if you have an airbrush you can add some weahtering as well. For the creases, just fold the map, then take a piece of sand papaer and rub it on the crease until it starts fraying.
Hope that helps.