Kenobi's Lightsaber Made A Cameo As A Tool In "ESB"!!

Captain Dunsel

Legendary Member
I was watching "The Empire Strikes Back" for something like the 500'th time today...

Anyway, in the scene introducing Han in the Hoth hanger after he dismounts his tauntaun and is arguing with Chewbacca, something in the hand of the rebel soldier to the upper right hand side of the screen caught my was one of Kenobi's lightsabers from "Star Wars" being used pommel side up and emitter side down as a tool. It clearly is metal and seems to be either the hero or one of the dueling versions with the blade removed.

I am sure this may have already have been known but this was a new discovery for me.

I apologize as these are taken directly from my screen:

( "Hey, Chewie? If I ever get frozen in carbonite, I'm thinking of raising my hands up like this and and then gaping my mouth open like this. Whadya think??" :) )

Anyway...back to the lightsaber. Zooming in...

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That's a great site!

Having re-watched the scene a few times, it definitely is one of Kenobi's hilts; it's even clearer on my TV than in these shots as the rebel mechanic waves it around.

You can see the pommel cubes here as well as the Graflex clamp which appears to have been flipped with the lever on the opposite side of where it was in ANH and pointing towards the emitter rather than away.

Simulated here with the Graflex clamp flipped:

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Very cool, Matt! This is news to me :D

Maybe the Obi-Wan still exists somewhere in a crew members home, and wasn't taken apart and trashed...
Very cool, Matt! This is news to me :D

Maybe the Obi-Wan still exists somewhere in a crew members home, and wasn't taken apart and trashed...

Wouldn't that be nice? :)

The interesting thing is, in the shots of the V2 and Shared Stunt during Empire, they appear to still have their blades attached and were used for dueling.

Is it possible the hero was tossed in a box with other ANH props and then brought out again as a miscellaneous item in ESB??
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Wow ... this is certainly worth investigating some more ... it sure does look like OB1's lightsaber indeed :)

Great eye for details Alley; I've never noticed that before!

And thank you Cadger for the link to Star Wars
Nice find! It's news to me too, and I'm craving clearer pics. I'm really curious now - was it a stunt (V2 or SS) while they were still black or was it a hero prop? The bottom surface looks a little soft to be a stunt, but that could just be the resolution. Thanks for starting this!!
Nice find! It's news to me too, and I'm craving clearer pics. I'm really curious now - was it a stunt (V2 or SS) while they were still black or was it a hero prop? The bottom surface looks a little soft to be a stunt, but that could just be the resolution. Thanks for starting this!!

I agree...when I watch the scene the pommel looks too rounded and too chrome-like to be a stunt.
Wow, that is interesting! One would think the propmasters would have the presence of mind with such a recognizable prop to say "Nah, that's a lightsaber. Use something else" unless it was an intentional easter egg.
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