Total bummer. The batter pack seems like it might have been poorly designed. AA batteries fit very tightly and I think they're not making proper contact.
That really sucks, and I was thinking about getting this thing.
Total bummer. The battery pack seems like it might have been poorly designed. AA batteries fit very tightly and I think they're not making proper contact.
Yesterday I received my replacement Arc Reactor. Can you see something wrong with it? I'll give you a hint. "Has A Heart".
Yesterday I received my replacement Arc Reactor. Can you see something wrong with it? I'll give you a hint. "Has A Heart".
The engraving machine must have not been properly aligned with this piece and as a result I am missing the bottom of the letters A and S in HAS. The photo doesn't show it but most of the bottom letters are not engraved at all. The paint looks like it is just stamped on the metal.
Where is the quality control?:thumbsdown
Quality control would cost you another $300 per item. :lol :lol :lol