Jurassic World

"We set out to make Indominus the most fearsome dinosaur ever to be displayed at Jurassic World. The genetic engineers at our Hammond Creation Lab have more than delivered. At first glance, Indominus most closely resembles a T. Rex. But its distinctive head ornamentation and ultra-tough bony osteoderms can be traced from Theropods known as Abeliosaurs. Indominus’ horns have been placed above the eye orbit through genetic material hybridized from Carnotaurus, Majungasaurus, Rugops and Giganotosaurus. Fearsome indeed.
Indominus’ roar is estimated to reach 140-160db—the same as a 747 taking off and landing. And it can reach speeds of 30 mph…while confined to its enclosure. Come experience Indominus Rex for yourself beginning this summer. If you dare."

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For some odd reason, this comes to mind:

"We set out to make Indominus the most fearsome dinosaur ever to be displayed at Jurassic World. The genetic engineers at our Hammond Creation Lab have more than delivered. At first glance, Indominus most closely resembles a T. Rex. But its distinctive head ornamentation and ultra-tough bony osteoderms can be traced from Theropods known as Abeliosaurs. Indominus’ horns have been placed above the eye orbit through genetic material hybridized from Carnotaurus, Majungasaurus, Rugops and Giganotosaurus. Fearsome indeed.
Indominus’ roar is estimated to reach 140-160db—the same as a 747 taking off and landing. And it can reach speeds of 30 mph…while confined to its enclosure. Come experience Indominus Rex for yourself beginning this summer. If you dare."

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This alone proves they're going to make a stinker, they're going for cgi and audio for the teenagers instead of a good storyline.
Did i just see another mini-gun make the stuttering noise of a .50 cal? I know this could be placeholder sound fx, but it's one of the things that really bugs me.

Also, The first film had DTS digital sound and it was LOUD....as projectionists, we were constantly being asked to turn it down..."And now, It's BACK! Louder than ever before!"

There is 15 minutes worth of scenes involving dinosaurs in the first film. Of that 15 minutes, there's a total number of 6 minutes of CG dinos. The other 9 minutes are of Stan Winston's animatronics.

And originally it was going to be 0 minutes of CG until Spielberg was shown the quality of the CG at the time and was convinced that a mix was the best way to go. Fast forward to today and think of how much better the technology has gotten and how much more they can do with it now. For some scenes practical definitely works better like close ups and largely static shots but for fully body shots where the dinos are running and moving all over the place CG, in my opinion, is the best option, scenes like Chris Pratt on the bike with this raptor pack, or the mosasaur jumping out of the pool. Unless you can find trained raptors and mosasaurs somewhere there's just no way those scenes are going to be done practically and have it look realistic.
And originally it was going to be 0 minutes of CG until Spielberg was shown the quality of the CG at the time and was convinced that a mix was the best way to go. Fast forward to today and think of how much better the technology has gotten and how much more they can do with it now. For some scenes practical definitely works better like close ups and largely static shots but for fully body shots where the dinos are running and moving all over the place CG, in my opinion, is the best option, scenes like Chris Pratt on the bike with this raptor pack, or the mosasaur jumping out of the pool. Unless you can find trained raptors and mosasaurs somewhere there's just no way those scenes are going to be done practically and have it look realistic.

Your argument for CG can also be made for stop motion animation (in fact, people thought Coraline was a CG movie because of how smooth the animation was. And Spielberg did consider doing stop motion prior to the CG used in the first film).

But all in all, all the CG in the world doesn't make up for lack of story and character, which is what made up 100% of the first film. But that's something we'll have to wait and see to know if the film's story and characters are developed well or not.
Your argument for CG can also be made for stop motion animation (in fact, people thought Coraline was a CG movie because of how smooth the animation was. And Spielberg did consider doing stop motion prior to the CG used in the first film).

But all in all, all the CG in the world doesn't make up for lack of story and character, which is what made up 100% of the first film. But that's something we'll have to wait and see to know if the film's story and characters are developed well or not.

Replace CG with special/visual effects and I agree.
Yikes, this is not looking good....

The problem where most sequels fail is that they try to make the story too big. There is little in character arc and it is mainly just a mess of action and running around. The characters tend to be flat and the story is so big and broad that it gets lost. This movie would be great if it were almost a remake of the first film. Basically there should be a Hammond decendent that is trying to reopen the park, everything is going well until an unpredicted mess happens. Simple, easy, fun. There is no reason to amp up the size of the park, how many people are in danger or make any raptors or hybrid dinosaur the costars. I liked that in the first film it was human error and the unpredictability of nature that was the antogonist. It wasn't the T Rex or Raptors or even an evil genius, it was human ego.

I'm calling it now...this will not end well.
Don't know if this is of interest to anyone making props, a friend of mine who knows someone who worked on Jurassic World just posted this in facebook:

You do have to keep in mind that most movie-goers aren't as critical about movies. Most could care less about the plot, all they want to do is have fun.

The studios aren't catering to overly critical audiences with these kinds of movies. They're catering to the lay men who just want to see some action despite all the plot holes, inconsistencies, bad writing, etc. Give them good special effects and lots of running, screaming and rampaging dinosaurs, then they would all say it was a great movie. That's how most people are wired.

It's like me watching the last Indy movie. At first I didn't like it. But when I dumbed down my viewing "persona", I did get to enjoy the film for what it was despite all the flaws.
Apparently pretty hard seeing how Spielberg himself couldn't figure it out when he made the first horrid sequel.

Except that it wasn't entirely his fault, The Lost World was based off a book written by Michael Chrichton just like Jurassic Park was and the Lost World was a terrible book where as Jurassic Park was a great one. Can you really fault Spielberg for making a bad movie when the original novel it was based on was no good to begin with?
Well, to hell with everyone. For some reason the two trailers have really got me going, I think it will be fun. My sensibilities tell me it will be horrible but there's something about it. I'm REALLY looking forward to it! A guilty pleasure maybe... I don't know. I have the feeling it will be like the 3rd film which I do think was the worst of the three, but I dunno... to be back there with the dinosaurs, that's good enough for me.

I'd love it if they treated the story a bit like the first half of Aliens... people scared to death, hiding in bunkers until the monsters finally find them. My brain tells me this movie is a bomb, but the kid in me is itching to get to the cinema :)
Good comparison shot of the CGI, which was obviously still work in progress when the first trailer hit. Notable difference on the creature, the water effects and the mountain range in the background, with the monorail track being removed.

Even changed the pic in the dude's cellphone!!!
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