Jumanji board update (large images)


Well-Known Member
Some people know that I've been working on this for too long and for a better part of a year, I've put it off from a tendency of being a tad lazy. :p

But recently a friend was curious on an update so I dusted off the board work and jumped back into it. One problem I had was the top board. I had originally carved the jumanji title seperate from the top board so I had to go in and carve a hole into two pieces of wood and lay the intricate pieces inside. It came out better than I thought it would so now I'm back on track.

After some polish to the top, all that needs to be done on the board itself is the trim on the underside and laying down the compartment holding the game pieces. After that, the hinge work.

So without further ado (And the wonderdog, Knuckles making an appearance), Ta-Daaa. :D




Originally posted by DarthCalibar@Feb 15 2006, 01:42 AM
sweet. :D  So, will it include any bells and whistles? Moving pieces, words in the middle sphere?

Thanks. Getting the typhoon to work has been tricky. :p Other than that, the only extras being added are the game pieces and dice to fit in the underside compartment.
I'll probably redo the glass center part as well. I experiemented with transparent resin with some green coloring added which seemed to work well but came out a bit rough. Either I'll try and polish it smoother or try to get a better cast the next go around.
how big is it if you mind my asking? I might attempt making one, but i wouldnt know how big to make it.

Thanks. :)
I'll have to dig up the measurements for the depth but the length and width is 16 x 13 inches
Thanks, guys.

The dice will probably be next to last, next to the game pieces, which I'm not looking forward to. There weren't many good shots of all four but there was a card set that had some nice shots of them on chase cards. So Imight look into buying a set.

AA, thanks for the link. I had completely forgotten about yourprops. :) That mold of the board looks nice and I think I vaguely remember a prop shop online posting it for sale (I do remember they had a set of the dice). Too bad they didn't use that design, it looked pretty nice...
Originally posted by kapow@Feb 15 2006, 02:18 AM
I'll have to dig up the measurements for the depth but the length and width is 16 x 13 inches

Hey Kapow, I'm glad to see that you haven't stopped working on this. I was getting worried that you gave up on the tedious wood carving of this.
I've spoken to Kent Jones, which helped design the actual game board prop, about the dimensions before when I was doing research on doing one of these for myself. The actual dimensions he quoted me are 17 x 13 x 3. This was straight from the horses mouth, so I hope you're able to compensate and aren't too far along on the board that you can't make the appropriate corrections. The board is looking amazing, and I can't wait to see it finished. You're mighty skilled with the dremel. Pure talent. I love to see these types of props recreated out of realistic materials. Especially, when the original is only made out of clay and cast in resin, which is what the board is. I think the only thing that is carved wood is the game pieces. I'm not too sure on that, but Kent did say that some artist in Canada was commissioned to do the game pieces, along with the inside of the game board. Kent is the one who designed the top of the board.

Great work...
Give up? I'm a glutton for punishment and my lungs enjoys the inch thick film of sawdust they now have.:p
Thanks for the compliments, man. It's been quite a chore getting this done and I don't think Mrs' Kapow appreciates the inch thick saw dust that has taken over the work studio. :lol

I had looked up work on the canadian artist previously (Can't find the site now for some reason). The man had alot of his word work posted which for a majority, was elaborate furniture work he would do on commission. His website did mention his Jumanji work which consisted of the game board and some of the furniture for one of the homes.

As far as if I'm too far along...I'm WAY along. :lol And I'm probably going to stick to the measurments I have. It's odd that he'd say 17 x though. I had originally used the measurements from the screen used board that Sotheby's (Or was it Profile's in History? I can't really tell cause I only have the snippet of the caralog that promoted their Jumanji props) had in their catalog. They had the measurments set, with the board completely open, to 26 x 13. They also provided a shot of the open board which I scanned in and checked with the photoshop ruler guide and it came to 26 x 13 exact without having to force the image to the measurements. But anything's possible.
Thanks for the udate, Kapow. It's looking phenomenal..

BTW: Don't try to ween Kunckles off the socks, yet. ...he might turn to the wood. That would be a mess. :eek