Judge Dredd Helmets???


Active Member

anyone know the best place for a Judges helmet, the termight replicas seem a little small

(i have a 25" head :unsure....but i am 6ft 5"...thats my exscuse anyway)

any advice would be appreciated

anyone know the best place for a Judges helmet, the termight replicas seem a little small

(i have a 25" head :unsure....but i am 6ft 5"...thats my exscuse anyway)

any advice would be appreciated

no places for judge dredd helmets at the moment. If termight replicas helmet's seems small to you then any other dredd helmet available now will really not fit you.

The rumors are someone casted a hero helmet but didn't account for the 10% shrinkage. So all the helmets subsequent to the hero helmet have thus far been tiny. (it also could have been that the hero helmet was small because stallone's head wa small)
nicksdad made a kit back in the day - it was also fairly small..

Sorry - but no real sources of dredd helmets lately. I would definitely reconsider termight replica's helmet though - it looks roomy to me.
scratch build one? been working on one on and off for ages (more off then on :D)
I got a 60cm head and it fits very comffy


the mohawk has been slanted back a bit more since the pic above

Oh wooowzers... I made one forEVER ago - If I can find it - it's yours... If not, well, I can always make you one LoL

I was watching the movie when I read this LoL

anyone know the best place for a Judges helmet, the termight replicas seem a little small

(i have a 25" head :unsure....but i am 6ft 5"...thats my exscuse anyway)

any advice would be appreciated

I did the JD helmets years ago for S.D.:cool studios. I still have the molds somewhere in the mold room! I also have the buck for the lens for thermal forming!:love

take the lineing out of the termite replica helmit and it will fit your big niggin lol i would say termites is one of the bigger helmets out ther after seeing comparison shots also dont even waist your time looking for movie dredd lids cos there all super small
no places for judge dredd helmets at the moment. If termight replicas helmet's seems small to you then any other dredd helmet available now will really not fit you.

The rumors are someone casted a hero helmet but didn't account for the 10% shrinkage. So all the helmets subsequent to the hero helmet have thus far been tiny. (it also could have been that the hero helmet was small because stallone's head wa small)
nicksdad made a kit back in the day - it was also fairly small..

Sorry - but no real sources of dredd helmets lately. I would definitely reconsider termight replica's helmet though - it looks roomy to me.

stalones helmet was tiney ...not only is stalone pretty small in real life he also picked the smallest helmet off the line as he felt it made his body look bigger with the armor and a tiny head.
take the lineing out of the termite replica helmit and it will fit your big niggin lol i would say termites is one of the bigger helmets out ther after seeing comparison shots also dont even waist your time looking for movie dredd lids cos there all super small

Here's the comic-Dredd Termight helmet compared to Nicksdads movie- dredd helmet. The Termight is BIG so if you want that you'll be alright with this one