Joker's Hair/wig


Well-Known Member
anyone got a good wig to use as a joker wig?
the $20 ones i see on ebay is really bad.
how do I go about replicating the receding hairline that heath has? :wacko
You could cut the "wig" section out of the commercially available Joker mask. Grime it up a bit, blend the skin section to your face... It could work. I haven't seen one in person yet, but from the photos the hair looks passable with some work.
You could cut the "wig" section out of the commercially available Joker mask. Grime it up a bit, blend the skin section to your face... It could work. I haven't seen one in person yet, but from the photos the hair looks passable with some work.

Would that fit tight enough though? I don't think the "wig" section would have the right amount of elasticity that an actual wig has.
You could always shave your hair back on the top sides. :lol

I think the idea with the bald cap and the wig made to replicate a receding hairline would work the best.