Jeyl on the new Green Lantern Trailer


Master Member
Few things to say about the new Green Lantern Trailer....


...... :angry:angry
I have a bad feeling about this...

And to think the folks at Gawker said I was overreacting when I said that there is no place for female... anything for comic book hero movies. They will never be the focus nor the strongest point of any movie.

I am just mortified that Carol's character is so self-aware of her uselessness that they stick it in the movie as a joke, like Uhura's line in Star Trek 09 "I'll be monitoring your frequencies". Yeah, you go do that while us men here do the real work at saving the universe.
Well, in fairness, they may be saving her for a role in the inevitably sequel as Star Sapphire. I can't tell if they're building up a War of Light storyline either (it looked like the yellow stuff might be part of that later...).

No, I'm more taken aback by the giant blobby smoke monster and the predictably annoying Ryan Reynoldsing of the script.
Yeesh... you guys are harsh. I think it looks awesome. I can't wait to see it. And having seen more than a few Ryan Reynold's movies, he's hardly "Ryan Reynoldsing" in it... the only thing that had that feeling to me was the beginning of the first trailer when he gets out of bed and then meets Carol in the locker room.
Yep; me, I'm just glad I've lived long enough for their to be a live-action GL movie that doesn't look like that JLA thing with Charles Emerson Winchester III.

My thoughts exactly. I've been waiting for these movies since I was a kid in the '70s. I can deal with the details that seem to be bugging everybody else on this.
The too much CGI for the budget/schedule thing is with every movie now. The bigger the budget the worse the CGI is.
My thoughts exactly. I've been waiting for these movies since I was a kid in the '70s. I can deal with the details that seem to be bugging everybody else on this.

For me, it's not the details themselves that are problematic, but rather what they suggest about the REST of the film to me. I can nitpick about the costumes and such, but if the story's good, then I won't care. Thing is, what that trailer emphasizes is all the crap that cuts AGAINST the story and in favor of what are supposed to be the "money shots" for CG and such. Except that, if that's the best CG they have to offer....yeah, what does THAT suggest? Either that this film has such a stellar story that you couldn't do a good trailer of it, orrrrrr.......that it's gonna suck. Given the track record of films these days, where would you place YOUR money?
"It's one thing... Or the other! Where would you place YOUR money?"

On some third option that can't be predicted by available, known variables. :lol
Really guys come on. It's a movie and personally I think it is going to enjoyable. So what if it doesn't fallow the comic universe. Just watch it and try not to over analyze it.
Yep; me, I'm just glad I've lived long enough for their to be a live-action GL movie that doesn't look like that JLA thing with Charles Emerson Winchester III.
Amen on this....i actually saw some of that movie a few years ago....good lord, the horror......

1.) "It's just a movie." Sure it is. But that doesn't mean I can't say "I dunno...smells like a turd to me..." Besides, we all came here because of our enjoyment of "just" a movie so much so that we wanted to own our little piece(s) of said movie(s). "Just" a movie is "just" a tired defense to me.

2.) "You should give it a chance!" Well hey, if I could "try before I buy", I'd be happy to give it a chance! Sadly, you don't get to walk out of a theater and say "That sucked. Gimme my money back." When they start doing that, I'll be happy to give more films the benefit of the doubt. Until then, I'm gonna be a discriminating consumer and err on the side of saving myself $10 and 2-ish hours of time.

3.) And while it hasn't been raised yet..."Oh yeah?! Well YOU go make a movie!" I don't need to be a master chef to know when I don't like the taste of my food. BY the same token, I don't need to be a filmmaker to know when I don't like the look of a movie.

Look, I get that some folks dig what's in the trailer here. That's awesome. I actually kind of envy you and your optimism or your ability to enjoy this kind of stuff. I have a MUCH harder time just "switching my brain off" or whathaveyou and enjoying a film, especially when the source material is something as entertaining (to me, anyway) as the GL universe.

I'm a really picky customer who has been, over the last decade, consistently disappointed by films whose trailers looked "AWESOME!!!", to the point where I now no longer trust trailers. Moreover, I don't trust Hollywood in general to make the movies I want to see. I don't think I'm their demographic anymore, at least not for big-budget action-sci-fi-adventure films. They're selling to someone else. Maybe you. Lucky you, if that's true. But yeah, I can't "just enjoy it" any more than I could "just enjoy" eating what tasted to me like a dry, grey, overcooked cut of meat. I'd be especially disappointed if I knew it was a particularly succulent cut of meat from which all flavor and richness had somehow been drained by the preparation and presentation.

Knowing this about myself, I'm increasingly skeptical of films in this genre because, based on my experiences, they frequently disappoint or underwhelm me.

Rock on if it looks cool to you, though.