Ironman Mark IV


hands built time to prime and paint!!
hey man. ive noticed on a few builds, it looks like you went over some lines with a sharpie to make them stand out. is that what you did? I cant decide if i want to do that or not.
Nice!!! I also wore mine this weekend, but had an issue with the ab piece coming out from the bottom of the chest..... It kinda looks like crap, and I'm not sure how to fix it :(

Nice!!! I also wore mine this weekend, but had an issue with the ab piece coming out from the bottom of the chest..... It kinda looks like crap, and I'm not sure how to fix it :(


Th problem is that the abs are not suppose to tuck into the cod piece. Bottom of the abs should attach to the top of the cod. That will keep the abs from sliding down and exposing your undersuit.

Other than that, your suit looks awesome
What jjones said plus if you extend them up by adding an extra rib to the top they won't pop out. I thought I might have to do that but thankfully they tuck under enough to alow for movement.
Like drack said you and add an extra rib secting then place velcor on the top section and the inside of the chest plate on the bottom to prevent from flopping out again
yup just traced a bunch of the lines with a sharpie. I think it helps make the suit pop!

I did exactly the same thing on my suit, I agree in that it makes a huge difference. It makes the suit less 'foam' like.

Id also encourage you to weather the suit some, as I reckon that a sparkly clean Iron Man really only works when the proper pep method is used and you get an automotve quality finish. Foam builds always look a little more dull or rough (unless you are an alien with amazing build skills, of which there are certainly a few!) and so suit being roughed up a bit more :D
Thanks BigTurc!!

DynoFriend I want to wear it out a couple of time looking clean, I will start the weathering process soon

And here is another pic from a party last night, My friend went as whiplash. (I made that one too.)
we both started our builds at similar times i think, and were both doing mark 4's, i like yours, however i have to ask you about the above thigh piece.
why haven't you put them on? they would make your great suit into a fantastic one :)
we both started our builds at similar times i think, and were both doing mark 4's, i like yours, however i have to ask you about the above thigh piece.
why haven't you put them on? they would make your great suit into a fantastic one :)

Yeah I know had them made but the foam curled the wrong way and didnt look right so I scrapped them. I will remake them eventually as well as some other suit upgrades
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