"Iron Sky" - Nazis on the moon! New trailer with first footage!

This movie, once you accept it as the satire it is, is immensely entertaining. If you can't see that it's satire, though, you likely won't enjoy it at all.
Picked up the bluray version today. Had to get a tax program and Best Buy had if you buy the H&R tax program (I used to work there so I always get that one anyway) get any movie up to $19.99 free.

Definitely cheesy but well worth it in my view (I mean free is free :))
it's currently on Netflix
watched it... didn't care for it
I get where they were wanting to go... but if you're going to make a comedy, you should actually try and make it funny
I watched it on Netflix and thought it suffered from 3rd act syndrome.

I still enjoyed it, but felt it was lacking...something. Not sure what that is however.
This would have been a great type of movie for Mel Brooks to have made years ago, it's the style of humor he could pull off.
I was still enjoying it until the "USS George W. Bush" showed up. I finished it for the sake of finishing it, but I found myself rooting for the Moon Nazis... Defiantly a weird experience.
I was really interested in this until I found out it's basically one big joke. I thought it would have been cool if it had been more of a dramatic sci fi film. I'll pass on this one.
I agree a serious film would be epic but I thought for an independent film it was great. It definitely had political messages in it and I think a lot of folks might dislike it for it's politics.

I really liked the ending. *SPOILER AHEAD*

It was right out of Dr. Strangelove, and as a great twist if you waited until the end of the credits it turns out that the Nazis won. Presumably the Mars orbiter was another colony and now the Earth has been destroyed along with all of it's diversity except for the one non-Aryan who escaped to the moon.
I wanted to give it a shot, but I was ready to yank the monitor's plug about 30 minutes in. Some of the effect work was impressive, but once human actors get involved, it started reminding me of the Syfy channel...and not in a good way.
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