"Iron Sky" - Nazis on the moon! New trailer with first footage!

saw it today, and it was brilliant. alltho i think it bashes americans more than it does nazis

over all it was awesome, the effects were actually really good, i only had a problem with one of the actresses (and the guy next to me hogging the armrest, also eating popcorn and drinking beer like he owned the place)

if you can go see it
saw it today, and it was brilliant.
alltho i think it bashes americans more than it does nazis

Still looking forward to seeing this,
'tho I may be less than appreciative of an attitude that finds modern America more offensive than facist, Nazi Germany.
(Because we know that every American parent whose child died overseas in the last ten years
was happy to sacrifice that we might conquer and annex those paradise countries for the glory of the USA.)
Bashing professional leeches, er, I mean politicians, on the other hand, probably won't bother me much.
I'd like to see how it comes across before I REALLY form an opinion.

I searched around the web, and while "Iron Sky" has picked up a US distributor,
they haven't announced any dates or locations yet.

I just recently re-watched Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow,
and it just reinforced my desire to see "Iron Sky".

My Firefly/Serenity Collection:
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Hey guys, just came back from the cinema an hour ago, finally saw this movie with an audience and on the big screen.
Where to begin... the whole audience seemed to have a real party with it, laughing at underplayed jokes and great over-the-top dialogue or background-stuff like signage etc. (one spacehelmet spots 'SS 1138'...):lol
Guess there was scene-applause every 5 minutes or so, which really made for a great atmosphere while watching.:thumbsup
To be honest, I´m absolutely impressed with what these finnish guys did with that small a budget (read it was around 6,8 Mio Euros), production-wise the whole film looks like a mid- to big-budget production!
I won`t go into details and spoiling jokes for you over there in the U.S., but this movie shoul definitely be on your radar if it has not been already.

Maybe I'll watch it again with some people later this month.
I saw this today. The effects were pretty good for a "small" budget film, but it honestly wasn't a film that felt satisfactory. The premise and the absurdity of it felt like it could be a fun war movie... it just seemed rather... pointless.

It never really felt like a satire... or a spoof on the political system and politicians as a whole... or feeling there was even any point to the "invasion" plans... it just felt like a mess that tried to be funny but took itself way over the top in the process.

I had really hoped for a lot more from this.
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It never really felt like a satire... or a spoof on the political system and politicians as a whole... or feeling there was even any point to the "invasion" plans... it just felt like a mess that tried to be funny but took itself way over the top in the process.

I had really hoped for a lot more from this.

Yup, they did the same kind of fall flat on their face with "Star Wreck the Pickering" They make good CGI, but .. they just ARENT funny.
It's a shame if they didn't quite pull it off. I'm still looking forward to seeing it.
I got the soundtrack the other day, I've always had the upmost respect for Laibach. Maybe the makers of the film should have played it as straight as Laibach plays it and it would of made for a more interesting film.
It's a shame if they didn't quite pull it off. I'm still looking forward to seeing it.
I got the soundtrack the other day, I've always had the upmost respect for Laibach. Maybe the makers of the film should have played it as straight as Laibach plays it and it would of made for a more interesting film.
Laibach? Now I definitely have to see this. Sweet.
It's a shame if they didn't quite pull it off. I'm still looking forward to seeing it.
I got the soundtrack the other day, I've always had the upmost respect for Laibach. Maybe the makers of the film should have played it as straight as Laibach plays it and it would of made for a more interesting film.
Perhaps. It just seems they went for the cheese factor instead. There are very specific things that could be tweaked and it would have made for a much more compelling and interesting story. It has the elements, but it just drops them on their head and goes over the top. Sadly.

I'm pondering whether I should list them in spoiler tags or not, as I don't want to ruin people's experience beforehand.
The trailer reminded me of mars attacks for some reason. Probably because it looks over the top either way i'm looking forward to when the put a date on the U.S showing. Its nice to go to a movie for a good laugh and hopefully this one will pan out to be that for me.
Still looking forward to seeing this,
I'd like to see how it comes across before I REALLY form an opinion.
I just recently re-watched Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow,
and it just reinforced my desire to see "Iron Sky".

Well, I've seen "Iron Sky", and I'm very positively impressed.
Similar to Sky Captain, only different.
To the good; the effects, well drawn characters, a story that is a bit deeper than I originally expected;
overall it felt like a genuine movie in every way.
My only criticism would be the same one I leveled at Joss Whedon's "SERENITY",
it tried to be a few too many things and wasn't quite true to what it was.
In "SERENITY's" case, it was mostly a summer action flick that tried to go all dark and "Wild Bunch";
in the case of "Iron Sky", well, I hate to say more without getting into spoilers.
But I would say that negative (in my eyes) didn't take away from my enjoyment of the film
and doesn't take away from what an accomplishment it is.

My Firefly/Serenity Collection:
For any who havent given it a watch yet I say do it now! Its an amazing film full of cheese and they couldnt have done it better!
Finally saw this. Had fun, but it's a rental, not a purchase.
The costumes, sets and overall art design were great!
Some of the acting...uh.
I'm glad some of the doofy stuff in the trailers wasn't in the final cut.
I did enjoy the
"okay, who didn't secretly arm their spaceships?"

Guess there isn't much room for a sequel! :lol
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