"Iron Sky" - Nazis on the moon! New trailer with first footage!

I watched it the other day... I feel there's not a really good balance between humour and seriousness... To be honest, I find the original concept really silly. It would have been better if they were not nazis. That is just over the top. You can't mash up historical things like this with space travel, that is just not a good match. I understood the satire, but I just thought it was not really working out. Special effects were good I suppose... Costumes were really cool too, but that's pretty much it.
Re: "Iron Sky" SPACE NAZIS on the MOON!!

The other day I noticed on Netflix there is now a director's version.

Sent from my Etch A Sketch.
Sorry to dig up such an old thread but I watched this movie and it is AWESOME!!! I enjoyed it and it does go along with some theories that already are around.

Here is something that you should look at but you might will want to take it with a grain of salt.

They actually shown this to me in Grade School when I was in the 6th grade. Sooooo Yeah XD

The Theme song to the Movie is a very nice thing to listen to.
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