Interest Iron Man RT1 Arc Reactor

Hi Gordon - did you get my PM about the groove in the base?

If I wanted to get the groove added (for the clear case), will your drawing be adjusted for those dimensions?

I'm going to start shipping tomorrow, and I'll verify with all paid if you want the groove or not.

I'll also post the case dimensions shortly, but I would still wait till you have it in hand to have a case made.

I really would like to buy one of your arc reactors. Would you send me your paypal ID and I will forward the money to you? PMs sent...

Thank you.

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Got a paypal shipping nptification with tracking number a few days ago but the tracking hasn't updated yet. Gordon, can you confirm these have been shipped or was it just the label created

Hey all. First batch is officially away and in transit. I'll try to get the list officially updated this weekend.

As promised here are the dimensions for have a case made:


The tolerance on these needs to be pretty tight. If anything on the drawing is not clear, please let me know.

Thanks Gordon! If anyone finds a good place online to get a custom glass cover, let me know. I'm looking at a few sites myself
I got mine and is just lovely. Really made me smile when I put it on my desk.

Bravo sir!
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