Iron Man Mark 1 - 1st Foam build ever

My significant other told me they needed space and completely shut off all feelings. We are engaged too. I keep thinking positive thoughts and hope that she will come back to me.
So sorry to hear this,J. I hope everything will get back to normal for both of you as soon as possible:thumbsup
Being creative will get your mind off of things for the moment,I can tell from my own experience.
With the exception of the missile which i will make out of PVC, my right gauntlet is done. Need to working on tweaking the shape just a little bit. Still need to get some D-rings to connect to biceps. Progress is moving forward.


Made some solid progress today. Got the left forearm done. Pretty pleased how it came out. Tonight my plans are to work on the left bicep. Going to attempt to suit up tomorrow and take some progress pictures. Just need to swing by and pick up some d-rings.


Happy Easter fellow RPFer's! Will be working on my left bicep today and start working on the my mini arc reactor. Will post pics later on today. Thank you for everyone's support thus far.
Thus far. I will secure the d-rings after resining the build. I attempted to put it on with the d-rings and hot glue. It was a disaster, but seem to work out. Going to attempt the arc reactor and start working on the shins this week.

Happy Belated Easter,Jelly.I hope you're doing alright.
Your progress is looking good :thumbsup
Thank you George. I am doing ok. Will try and work on my shins this weekend. I now have a deadline as I am heading back to NC to finish school in the fall. Art that point I won't be making anything for about 10 months. Ultimate goal is to have this ready by August 1. Still planning on heading to Dragon Con in September.
You'll make it before then :thumbsup good for you though that you're going back to school to finish your education.Positive developments !
You'll make it before then :thumbsup good for you though that you're going back to school to finish your education.Positive developments !

Second degree. Doing something that I always wanted to do which was archaeology. Just think, archaeologists during the day and cosplay professional at night. Now that would be epic. lol
Posting will resume over the weekend. This thread is still active and pretty much alive. Just been busy with school and work. Thanks again for everyone taking a look at my build.
The arc reactor is done. Attempted to use the saudering iron for the first time. Needless to say i had no luck and decided to use hot glue. Need to work on my saudering skills over the summer. Don't think it turned out that bad.




- - - Updated - - -

installed the LED lights last night. Very pleased how it turned out.

Thanks George. Time to start working on my legs and shins over the next few days. Can't wait til it gets warmer so I can attempt to use Bondo then sand. Any tips on Bondo or something else that is better feel free to let me know.
Thank you mmadadamm. Ya I haven't either. That's one of the reasons why I wanted to attempt to do this. The other is that it is older therefore I should stand out more at con's. If everything goes well, I might attempt give it a dry run at Anime North at the end of May. In addition to this, I am working on one other cosplay as well as developing a cross over concept idea that I will hope to have done as well before Dragon Con. My whole focus is getting the rest of the Mark 1 suit built over the weekend.
Finally school is over. Back on track with the build. Currently doing the pep prep work before transferring to foam. Should have the legs and shins done by mid week. If everything goes well, i will be ready to bondo next week.