Indiana Jones - Prop Store Collection Idol (Tutorial now on-line)


Sr Member

As promised I have uploaded a tutorial documenting the build process for those people interested. I hope you find it useful.


As I mentioned on another board, I know I'm going to be burned at the stake for this but since I figured I've got to die sometime, I thought I may as well own up to wanting to do something completely different with the Fertility Idol from Raiders...


As people who have seen my other work know, for me any movie prop is a prop first and foremost and I've never regarded the idol as something the character Indiana Jones did actually carry - because as Ford so eloquently stated in an interview: "**** it, its only a movie!". Since my feelings towards the idol are firmly rooted in the real world, I made the decision to try and make it reflect the prop as we saw it presented in the Prop Store collection photo's published a while back.

Since the general opinion out there appears to be that the existing Idols are generally not 100% accurate (not that I care), I chose to concentrate on replicating the prop in its sorry pre-restoration state as opposed to trying to make it 'accurate'.


As always, the photographs don't do the finish justice because the surface texture is not at all as pronounced as it seems from these pictures, but I hope they give you a reasonable preview of how it turned out.

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Re: Indiana Jones - Prop Store Collection Idol

Lovin it!!

I got the fire extinguisher right next to me, just hollar! ;)
Re: Indiana Jones - Prop Store Collection Idol

I actually really like that! Looks almost as if it's made from jade. :thumbsup

Looks way more like the original Tlazolteotl idol from the Dumbarton Oaks Museum that Indy's idol was based on:

Re: Indiana Jones - Prop Store Collection Idol

Hmm, where's that thread about devauling screen-used originals...
Re: Indiana Jones - Prop Store Collection Idol

I also like that look a lot more than the shiny gold one. Yours has more character and looks like it would be found in a long lost temple.

I love seeing props being made with a different twist to them-not just seeking SA status.


Re: Indiana Jones - Prop Store Collection Idol

2 thumbs up from me as well.
Is it screen accurate? No.
Do I care it isn't? No
Is it a great looking idol? You betcha.
Re: Indiana Jones - Prop Store Collection Idol

I agree, it looks great!
Is it a reworked blufive idol?

EDIT: On second thought, it looks more accurate than a blufive, unless you did a hell of a job reworking it. Hmm... you could have painted the eyes. But I still can't imagine you'd have stripped the finish from a Gobler idol...

Sooo... what is it? :)
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Re: Indiana Jones - Prop Store Collection Idol

As I said in COW, great work!!! ;)
Re: Indiana Jones - Prop Store Collection Idol

Nicely done.

Has any consideraton been given to making a run of these for RPFers? I'd love to have one of these (have no interest in the shiny gold screen accurate versions).
Re: Indiana Jones - Prop Store Collection Idol

That looks amazing. Please give us a run down on how you did it.


Re: Indiana Jones - Prop Store Collection Idol

That looks amazing. Please give us a run down on how you did it.



Cheers everyone. I have to be honest, I'm a little blown away by the positive feedback I have received. I thought at best, I would have been stoned to death, but it seems not. Quite a relief really...

When I saw the Prop Store version, I thought as many of you do, that it looked more like a real artefact than the golden dude often does and the underlying 'jade' color primer certainly worked well to my eye. As I mentioned in my introduction, I also felt it reflected the PROP as it once did and so from every side, it held more appeal to me than yet another traditional version.

The process was relatively simple but very time consuming because I tried to copy as much of the character of the original as I could and that required hours of #1 paintbrush time. That said, I will gladly share the process I used to do this so that others can turn their hand to making their own..

I'll do it tonight when I get home..

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Re: Indiana Jones - Prop Store Collection Idol

Is it just me, or is it a little creepy looking in that color?
Re: Indiana Jones - Prop Store Collection Idol

:eek :eek I totally dig it!!!! Those eyes are spot on! well done.

Re: Indiana Jones - Prop Store Collection Idol

Painted eye? My Gosh! They look like glass!!! I just love it....but you know what? That like mine;)


Re: Indiana Jones - Prop Store Collection Idol

The idol looks great, KramStaar.
You've given it an authentic relic appearance.
Re: Indiana Jones - Prop Store Collection Idol

that picture with the books is amazing! I love it :)