~~~ Indiana Jones 1/1 ~~~


Well-Known Member
Hey Gang,

My favorite character of all time!!!

Man Howard did an outstanding job on this sculpt!

Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones from Raiders of the Lost Ark

A 1/1 Resin Cast Bust

I added glass eyes and spent a few hours painting in the beard!
The hat is the real deal too! Thanks for the hat Howard! ;)

I’m really happy with how he came out!

For more info on how to get one of these outstanding busts contact
Howard at - info@howardsstudios.com

Thanks for Looking!

°Jeff Camp







Great job on the paint work.
If I may make a couple of suggestions though:

I'd try and lower the eyebrows so that hardly any "skin" is visible between the upper eyelid and bottom edge of the eyebrows. When Ford is frowning as much as in the sculpt Howard has done, his eyebrows kind of blend in with his eyelids.

I'd also reduce or lose the eyelashes too.

I've tried to modify the eyebrows in my photo on the right hand side.


Excellent job on the beard growth!

Wow!!! though I agree with Chris' suggesions, it's still one of the best I've ever seen of ole Indy. Nice work man!!!!

Dave :)
Excellent work on all involved, although as picky as I am, something just isn't "Ford" looking about him. Not sure exactly what it is though.
Damn Jeff... you dropped the ball on this one I guess? Back to the drawing boards to make this one more 'Ford' like :rolleyes

Now there's no need to get defensive about the comments in this thread mates. I think you guys (Howard and Jeff) have proven your talent time and time again and I'm a huge, HUGE fan. As a fellow professional artist too, I know it's important to be open to 'constructive criticism' and nothing here seems to be downright insulting to the artist(s)...we're just all trying to help you be the best you can be!

I tried to figure out what's off about these pics myself.......... Idon't post many pics, so I'm not sure these are big enough to give you a better idea, but I did the ol' side-by-side to compare the two renditions.......

I also thought the eye placement might be throwing people a bit...he looks the TINIEST bit cross-eyed, so I moved the left pupil away from the bridge of his nose a little. See?

Eh, they're still masterpieces. It's just that sometimes you've got to massage the 'chemistry' between the sculpt and the finishwork a little. :)
I realise this is a fantastic sculpt and thers lot of fans of howards work. Im one too.

Bizzarely I think the old indy looks more like ford - the pic your showing both illustrates it qute easily I think. During the build I thought the new one looked like it was going to be even better than V1. I think its a great version of ford but now its painted up I think Im a V1 lover more.

I`d like to see some reference pics to compare both to.
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I also think if the eye brows and facial hair were toned down just a little to not appear so dark, would be beneficial.
Here's another, where I simply took the eyebrows on version 1 (to the right) and applied them to version 2 (on the left), for those who tend to think it's the eyebrow placement that's doing it. I honestly think this little tweek further reinforces that line of thinking too.

Hey, it could be the lighting, the camera angles, a whole host of things that are throwing people. It doesn't take much to make something seem 'off' and I absolutely couldn't claim to do a better job.
I also think if the eye brows and facial hair were toned down just a little to not appear so dark, would be beneficial.
The facial hair all depends on what film you're trying to emulate with this bust. Ford had heavy facial growth in Raiders, even more so above his top lip and on the chin.

Anyone who knows Chris personally as I have for years knows he's not trying to be a snob or know-it-all, he's just been consumed by detail as I have been with Indy for decades now. I know he's not knocking the piece as it is incredible, just offering his take and constuctive criticism. Not many people on this board can get a bust to look so lifelife. That being said, Chris does have something here.

Fords hair is not as dark as some people believe. It's more of a dirty blond. His eyebrows are not very thick and they are lower to his eyes as Chris pointed out. Let's face it (no punn intended), Camper did a job here that any one of us would be happy with. To say we wouldn't would make us liars. I do feel though, however, that this board is made up of many different styles of artists and art lovers and constructive criticism should be encouraged if done so in a constructive way.
In college, we were fully encouraged to give costructive criticism and taught how to accept it.
I've seen nasty posts by some who flat out say stuff like, "Yo, dude, you screwed that one all up, it's not supposed to be like that, you got it all wrong!". Of course, that's how an A-hole would give criticism. There are nice and nasty ways of doing it. I for one, would like to be told by someone when they think something I'm doing or something in my work is off, but there are nice ways to do it. Always remember that nomatter how good you are there is always room to grow.

Sorry for the rant, and Camper, your work IS amazing. Not many people have that talent.

*****...I can't wait to get this bust. :cry
I did the ol' side-by-side to compare the two renditions.......

It's just that sometimes you've got to massage the 'chemistry' between the sculpt and the finishwork a little. :)

Eh... I feel a little like Dr. Jones himself on the last 15 yards to the idol... VERY careful where I step here...

That being said, I think Howard himself acknowledges the current bust is a great improvement, suggesting the first bust did offer room for improvement...

If we all accept THAT point (as constructive criticism) then I offer my opinion that -- via the art of "massaging the 'chemistry' between the sculpt and the finishwork" -- only one artist amongst us did true justice to the first bust.

From another perspective, the first bust was good enough that in the hands of a master, it was fantastic, but in the hands of a less-that-steller painter it possibly could have iluminated its "opportunities"...

[Hope I haven't misstepped and released any darts yet!]

Oddly, the master that I referred to above is (I believe) the very same that painted the v.1 bust displayed above.

Fuzzylover...? Comments?
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If it's not apparent from my previous post, I think BOTH of Howard's busts are fantastic. I sat on the fence for the LONGEST time on the first one, and I can't wait to get the second.

And I think Jeff's paint-up is a fine example of bringing this to quite realistic life...
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Another couple of comments while they're fresh in my mind, then I'll stop blabbing on...

I would imagine that with busts, both sculptors and painters would agree that the first 90% of the work takes the first 10% of the time, and the last 10% of the work takes the last 90% of the time...

Makes sense, right...?

Another way of looking at that is, it is fairly easy to come up with some decent flesh tones, slap it on, pop in a pair of glass eyes and call it a day. It'll look about 90% of what you're after. But (and I know we all know this) as fellow members of the species, it is exceedingly difficult to fool us into thinking something artificial is actually human.

Or in other words, the devil is in the details...

We all know Indy very well. If the hair color is not quite perfect, if the eyes are off just a smidgen, if the brows are an RCH too high, if the stubble is nearly perferct - but not - it'll throw us off. And via an on-line experience, add in camera angles and lighting to the mix...

Jeff's style, in my limited experienced, seems to factor notably rich colors, and I'd agree that the hair (at least in the images here) is a tad dark. Eyes seem a touch dark too. But who knows? And it could be the dang camera too! But I think if anything is throwing anybody off, its the minutia, (perhaps combining to form a bit of a gestalt) that only folks around here and fellow artists would pick up on. overall it is a great paint-up.

Bottom line is I think Howard and Jeff have demonstrated their artistry yet again, and if my bust looks only somewhat as good as Jeff's I'll be happy...
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