Imperial Probe Droid!


Sr Member
Hey guys

Managed to break out the camera to shoot a few of the Probe Droid Jason built up for me!
Im not a great photographer, something i really need to work on, but ill be practicing sometime soon lol.
Theres a couple here with flash, and just lighting, it shows up the hue Jason mixed very well!





Damn Lee, you are a proud pappa I bet. Jason's work is awe inspiring


Cheers guys, this was no easy build up, the kit was a bit of a blighter, most of the greeblie parts were replaced with donor kits from the Morser Karl, Multiple gun carriage, and some Roco Gepards, a lot of resin shaving ensued lol.
Jason also rigged the eye with an LED, so ill get to that soon and fit a new cell in there to show off!
Iam proud, i love what J did for me, couple that with a nice base and Guy's awesome MR style plaque, its quite a display piece!

Jason's build ups are always top notch and always cleanly assembled

Great job!!!

Very cool to see it all together!!

Man, I missed that thing after it was gone... such a sleek design!
About bloody time :lol, looks great bud. Could you take one in daylight with no flash so we can get an idea of what it looks like to the eye? I'm so glad you got it all together now it really does look so tidy. AFFB so to speak! Cant wait to see that eye flashing away.
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About bloody time :lol, looks great bud. Could you take one in daylight with no flash so we can get an idea of what it looks like to the eye? I'm so glad you got it all together now it really does look so tidy. AFFB so to speak! Cant wait to see that eye flashing away.

The human eye perceives color very differently than cameras do, so be sure to properly white-balance the camera. Our brains do a sort of "auto white-balancing," which cameras do not. This is why an uncorrected photo taken under incandescent lighting (approx 3500 degrees K) looks yellow, and why sunlight photos can appear tinted as well (usually between 3500-7000k).

Mike, I think going into a nanometer light scale for Lee might be a bit over the top, even on a cheap digital camera a shot taken outside (not in bright sun light) will look more natural as a quick reference than with flash indoors under Tungsten or other lighting!
Since when did hitting the white balance button classify as over-the-top in terms of technical complexity? I am a simple man, I'm not an engineer nor mechanically inclined, and yet seem to have a firm grasp on the whole pressing-a-switch thing.

Mike, I think going into a nanometer light scale for Lee might be a bit over the top,

Don't seem to remember mentioning setting AWB? & I'm sure your technically minded Mike but maybe a bit shy. :eek

Any way, Lee it would be great to see a quick out door shot when you get a chance bud, let me know if you need a manual for your camera? :lol or any help finding your garden.