IM MK8 helmet foam build (tweaked gimpee/gaiatron pep) - First build ever


New Member
Hey there folks...

I'll be completely honest here - This is (excluding one test build) my first project of building a replica prop, and as I'm more-or-less a complete newbie when it comes to scratch building anything, I'm bound to make mistakes.

My first mistake, I think, is deciding to make just the helmet of an Ironman suit - Yes, I know that making the other parts is the preferred method, however, I have no need for the rest of the suit - I just wanted the helmet :)

Please note here that I have had to use the materials that I can find... the foam is basic 8mm campermat EVA, and the hot-glue gun I have been using was the cheapest one I could find from a reputable manufacturer - I'm kinda on an extreme budget here.

Anyways, my first test build was of the faceplate, based on JFcustom's foam pep, based on Sharkmark VI's original paper pdo... and here's what I came up with.


This piece was essentially me figuring out a few things, mainly :

1. Foam doesn't fold in crisp lines
2. Hot glue is, in fact, hot enough to burn your fingers

... and in general how foam and hot-glue are to work with.

After giving it a couple of days thinking about it, and with the news of IM3 coming out here in the UK on the 8th of May, I thought it might be an idea to change to the Mk8 helmet design, on the basis that I like the design more.

I've used gimpee/gaiatron's foam build for the helmet - I have needed to make a couple of modifications to the foam pep, partly because I found a 'missing' piece that wasn't on the paper printout; partly because their .pdo is set for Letter paper, and not A4; and partly because I am, at heart, a complete noob at this and mistakes have been made :p

Saying that, here's what I've come up with thus far :




(On this final pic, I have literally just rested the faceplace onto the jaw/temple/top-of-skull assembly, and so the lines are waaaay off.... When I get around to it, I'll be matching them up properly.)

Yes, I know that the lines are a bit on the wavy side of things, and that a foam build will never have the crispness of a paper/resin pep build, but I do have to say that I am relatively impressed with what I have come out with for a first-ish attempt.

Let me know what you think folks - but please go easy on my fragile little mind ;)
Your build is coming along nicely. For your hot glue dilemma, I use loc-tite glue to hold the pieces firmly in place. After the loc-tite sets up ( a couple of seconds) I hot glue the back side to fortify the piece. Just remember to keep your lines clean, use sharp razors.
Good luck
Just had the go-ahead by gimpee to link my re-work of his .pdo :]Mk8 Helmet (Model - gimpee, Foam pep - gaiatron, A4 + realign - XBlackLight).pdo

Model : gimpee
Foam pep : gaiatron
A4 and realign of components : me

Basically, the "bottom lip" segment was incomplete - the part from the point of the chin to the underside of the bottom lip was seemingly discarded, and wasn't on the printout.

As a result, the left- and right- side of the bottom lip are on the printout, but are not particularly needed, apart from being there to sketch out the lines where I will be running a dremel along it after it's been plasti-dipped / painted with a rotacast resin, or in which ever direction I end up taking this build.

Your build is coming along nicely. For your hot glue dilemma, I use loc-tite glue to hold the pieces firmly in place. After the loc-tite sets up ( a couple of seconds) I hot glue the back side to fortify the piece. Just remember to keep your lines clean, use sharp razors.
Good luck

Thanks for the compliments and tips... as I said in the OP, this is my first build with anything regarding this kind of material / construction method, so they are sincerely appreciated.

Spent some time late last night fixing the facemask to the chin/jaw/temple assembly - still have the cheek voids, ear pods and the back of the skull to construct and attach...

I'm now at the stage of this build where I am wondering how far I really want to go with this... and in which direction.

You see, I -really- like the mk6 'triangle' suit, but I much prefer the mk8 helmet... so therefore I might end up taking it in a mashup direction and make a blend of the two.

< /undecided >
Back and Sides of the skull have been constructed (omg what a pain that was - more in a minute) and attached to the back of the helmet skull... just the cheek and ear voids to construct and fill in.

Turns out that the pep file wanted me to L to L corner bond the three components, which would have zero strength or bond surface... so I basically cut some 15mm square sections of the same construction foam that I was using, bonded them to the edges of the foam sections and then used these new tabs as sections to bond to the section that overlapped.....

... and that made no sense. I'll add more pics later on.

Perhaps I'll have to do a slight re-work on the .pdo file to give some more adhesive contact surface area for future uses of this template.
Things have been a little slow over the last couple of days... the faceplate is now attached, as is the back of the skull - still have the ear pods and cheek inserts to fabricate / fix in place - so I thought I'd update this buildlog \o/

There's a bit of filling to do in the last pic - the seam between the faceplate and the top of the skull had to be hack-and-slash fitted.... but beyond that, it's not looking too bad (at least to me)

Some minor sanding and shaping has been done.... slowly progressing towards the PVA + plast-dip / smooth-on 65d hardening phase.
Looks good :) Which templates are you using?

Thanks :)

Basically, I am using the templates from this thread :

but I have needed to modify them slightly, mainly for A4 resizing and relocating pieces that I thought were missing from the printed version as presented... I re-posted the template a bit further up on this thread, but it does need re-working / re-uploading to add in the tabs used to build the back-of-skull plate, as they're a pain in the ass to glue together in it's stock printed/cut-out format.

Something to do as/when I get some spare time :)
I'll be honest folks - I've pretty much called it quits on this particular project. However, making a helmet as a 'first build' has taught me a hell of a lot about the materials and tools that I'm using, and am now moving on to other bigger / better / brighter futures.

In fact... I've currently got a IM Mk 39 chest piece in the remains of that roll of purple 8mm foam sitting on my desk.... New thread and pics and stuff as and when I can get around to it :)
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