Illusive Concepts Jabba repair question?


Sr Member
I have an Illusive concept latex Jabba statue and the latex has gotten old and brittle and is cracking and will be falling apart soon. I would like to stop the damage, repair the cracks and repaint the whole thing (not overly fond of the paint job) but I am unsure what the best way is to go about this.
Any suggestions?
If I could stop the cracking I could patch it. and paint it, maybe i could do that anyway, maybe the right kind of paint would seal the latex. i don't know...I don't care it is is brittle as long as it holds together ( "hear me baby, hold together") :rolleyes
I repaired an Illusive Yoda a few years ago which was quite badly rotted - I used some bathroom latex sealant from a tube and sealed it all in, then repainted it.

I don't know if this is what the experts would recommend, but it did work.