Identifying "Barbican" Vader parts

I disagree: it's my favorite Vader saber. I thought it looked great at C3. Just wish they'd move the clamp back down to the "normal" Vader position.
It's a real shame they modeled that monstrous ROTS Vader saber on this one. It would have been MUCH better had it been a bigger version on the Anakin AOTC with a black shroud, a la Vader's ANH saber.

OT, I know. Just had to pour some derision on my two least favorite sabers.
the ep3 saber looks more like it than the ep4 (why couldnt they hire people like us to help with continuity?)

and i think the ep3 might be worse... it just looks dumb.

lightsabers in the OT look like future weopons...

in the PT alot of em look like damn sci fi flash lights... esp this one. :eek:

i would like to know what all the barbican was made from though... just because. B)