Identify Darth Vader Helmet


Active Member
Good Evening,

I have a Darth Vader helmet which I just pulled from storage and was curious about it. I never gave it any thought as it was one of my first costume purchases. I have taken a few pictures of the face, dome, and stand that came with it. Thanks for looking...Hopefully the link will work...

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This site is a repository of arrogance and armchair expertise in all things Star Wars (and other genres), but don't let that put you off. Yes, there are "better" and more pedigreed Vader helmets out there but they generally reside in the more rarefied atmosphere of certain cliques. The particular mask/helmet you have is not one of the better ones to be had but it traces its origins back to the Don Post version which was the first commercially available, full sized ones of these to exist. I had one many years back and thought it was the stuff. But alas, I found the rpf and learned otherwise... Save it for its groundbreaking uniqueness and don't be condescended to by snobs. :lol
Thing is with the Rubies is that so much could be better. Many fan mades far trump it but really, the thing is from original molds... just manufactured to death.

The molds that made this helmet have a legit LFL source to it, so as a display piece its a pretty nice one for a Rubies.


New ones sell on the "bay" for anywhere between 400 to 800. I would venture that you would have a hard time getting that from it here however.

If I recall, they were numbered and they had a pretty nice stand and tag on them. I wore one briefly at a film shoot. Not a bad heft, not a bad lid for licensed. Would I own it? Not now, but at the right price I would pick one up and repaint and slightly mod one for a good Vader costume.
Thanks for all of the feedback about this helmet...I will agree with the masses that after getting a fan made helmet, the rubies pales in comparison. However it does make a great display/conversation piece.