I need your help getting my Stormtrooper armor back!

Egon Spengler

Master Member
Years ago, in the 90's when the 501st was still on Geocities I signed up, having completed my Stormtrooper armor.

Years later I wasn't making a lot of cash, met a beautiful woman, and married her. Weddings, etc aren't cheap, and with as much as my Stormtrooper armor meant to me, it was one of the things I had to sell to put money toward the wedding.

I sold it to a member who is banned here. I'm not exactly clear if we are allowed to talk about banned members here or not, so I'm leaving the name out of it for now. I am aware though that the member had at one time put the Stormtrooper armor up for sale.

I'm not sure if he ever sold it or if it still remains in his possession.

When I sold it to him it was a bit worn already from years of use, and I have no idea what condition it is in at this time.

Even so I would very much like to get it back in whatever way I can because of the memories it holds for me.

But, since this member is banned, I don't know what to do. I am hoping someone here on this forum bought the armor from the member before he was banned and might be willing to sell it to me now.

Here is a photo of the armor I found from the banned members photobucket page.

I apologize if speaking about this at all is not allowed... It's not my intention to break any rule. I just want my armor again, which is probably now even more beat up and yellowed from the years...

If anyone purchased this item from the banned individual who I shall keep nameless for now, please consider selling it to me. I honestly don't have a lot of cash to put toward it, but a reasonable deal would be great considering the years and wear it probably has by now.
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Re: I need your help!

I've been informed that it's okay to mention banned members. Houdiniguy is the one that had this set of armor. I'm not sure if he still has it or if he sold it to someone. I hope that somehow I can still get this armor again.
One bump for today.
I understand why you want this actual costume back but this armour is very easy to buy now, what about buying better, more accurate armour and building it up even better than your original, memories are hard to recapture, this is why collecting will never fulfill our hopes completely.
I'd have to agree with Wolf here. Let me know if you want me to point you in the right place to start from the ground up.
Hm. Now I don't know how I'll ever get it.

Maybe just buying new stuff is the way to go. Any info on doing that will be nice!
you should be able to find decent accurate TK armor for about 200-300 these days minus the helmet.

poke around. ask your local garrison. check ebay.

check out MEPD.com as well.
I don't know of any TK armor that goes for 200-300 except for the TE2 crappy recasts Ive seen on ebay. Also, STAY AWAY from EBAY.

If you need some info, send me a PM and I'll give you the run down.
I agree, armor is getting better and better all the time. I understand having memories with certain items, but I feel that with it being a costume...the momories are more about the events and friends that took place while in the costume over the costume itself. Good luck either way!
There is a guy on Ebay [Vacuum This ,VT] who may or may not be a recaster, his kit appears good, decent ABS , reasonably priced and seems to have a made a few guys at FISD happy enough, sorry I have no first hand info about it myself.
the crappy FX stuff is still about that price.

and yes the GOOD stuff is about 500-600

"crappy FX stuff" is no longer available from the guys who used to sell it. It's been replaced by the AM armor. if you find any fx stuff for sale it's either recast or used.

There is a guy on Ebay [Vacuum This ,VT] who may or may not be a recaster, his kit appears good, decent ABS , reasonably priced and seems to have a made a few guys at FISD happy enough, sorry I have no first hand info about it myself.

Vacuum dis! armor is recast AP.
Vacuum dis! armor is recast AP.[/QUOTE]

That is good to know, thanks , AP isn,t much more expensive either. The Stormtrooper costume must be the most recasted thing ever.
My AP kit cost me just over 800 last year. At that price, it comes with the helmet kit too. It just requires a lot of trimming. If you're about 5'10, 170 lbs, it's perfect for you. If you're slightly larger, the AM kit would probably be better (you'll need to buy a helmet separately).
I've been hearing bad things about AP's pulls lately. Friend of mine got a bucket and the entire forehead was paper thin, i would probably stay away from it.