I found some great Photos of Caps suit while he was visting sick kids


New Member
I was just browsing the internet while listening to a still untitled podcast and came across this album of photos and they happened to mention the RPF so i figured id post this for you guys and gals
1 - LuBcjwj.jpg2 - j17xsWy.jpg3 - JKUvVlh.jpg4 - K1JvOau.jpg5 - F8FQoID.jpg6 - Cacg5Vr.jpg7 - 5fzT7dP.jpg
This was part of his Superbowl bet with Chris Pratt. Pratt was supposed to visit a Boston children's hospital as Starlord if Boston won (which he did). If Boston lost Evans would visit a Seattle children's hospital. In a moment worthy of Captain America, Evans agreed to visit the Seattle hospital even though Boston won. I don't know if he is just a really nice guy, or just has a really good publicist.. but I was really impressed.
the costume designer for the film designed her own Fabric when she did TWS. so in the Avengers it was used again in a lighter color. People just have to find "what works" no one will ever find this fabric anywhere.