Hunter's prey progress thread--~~UPDATE~~--

That sucks, could you post a pic for us to see how much damage there is?......Someone will surely have the solution to your problem.

it's purely cosmetic, but it still bugs the crap out of me :(

I wanted to point the damage out in these shots



and without my fingers in the way to better assess the problem:


I'm wondering if lining the bio with felt or something similar over a few earth magnets could prevent this in the future.... thoughts?
**** happens man. Thats where the words "touch-up" come from. Suit up, roll out, have a blast, come home, collapse, wake up, acess the damages from the night before, and repair as needed. Thats how we do it.
alrighty... I guess that stopped my fears. :(

A friend came over and said it appeared to be from the fiberglass of the bio holding heat in and messing with the permawet, thusly causing it to stick a bit.

And, I have a paying gig this weekend..... I should have enough after giving Mom her cut to make it to WWC. :( *does happy dance*
So after all this and only a week and so to go are you making it to WWC or not? You arranged this huge trip it would not be fair to back out!

As for gauntls I agree with O&O, I can also suggest some snaps from walmart and some plastic gutter from lowes you would be surprised what you can do.

Example, I did these for a dude, CHEAP and easy, a little gluing stuff on, a little shaping, a little paint and bam!



Im also going to go out on a limb here and suggest something I know you have been ripped for, get a pair of sweats ( a tight pair), die them and paint them up like you did the body suit, then get a shell net in the walmart iles paint it black and put it over your sweats, then the same plastic gutter and make leg armor, shin armor, use a little elactis from walmart, kinda shape it like you want and I will go back to what O&O said get some foamies, and glue them to your suit in "pred Shapes"

For like $40 you will seriously up grade your costume.

Just a suggestion

Shoot! If I thought about it we could have made a pair yesterday instead of working on your swordsmanship... I will see if I can't get a base done this weekend for you.
thanks to daywalker's thought, I now have some gaunt tops... all I need will be legs and shin armor....

Looks like WWC just might make it off the ground afterall. o_O
okay, I need to pick up some shinguards from k-mart because walmart doesn't have them in-stock.... need to get some magnets to hold the bio on, I need to resize the wrists on my gaunt tops. After all of that, I paint the parts up and I'll be set for WWC o_O
the magnet in the bio is glued in, the one in the mask is drying now.... the leg armor is ready to roll... all that remains is to resize my gauntlets and paint them up....

I also don't have a neck ring, but am going to improvise.... my SCA Gorget (did I spell that right?) is black and appears to fit just right.... I'm going to wear that.

the sad thing is, with the exception of the bio, every piece of armor on this thing is actual armor o_O

here are shots of the leg armor:


this is just to make it stand apart from the metal skirt... I'll definately make it all look like the bio eventually.

I've decided to make it a full AVP Celtic.... but this will be it for now... worse comes to worse, I repaint the shins.
Alrighty, the gaunts have a nice silver/chrome color paint drying on them... I played around and they're not udnersized, just positioned wrong... once I added the padding and straps, the fit great. o_O

the blades aren't great, but they're just placeholders until I can get a full AVP set.

tomorrow I'll get pics of the gaunts with the dragon trophy. I'll give it one test-fit tomorrow afternoon followed by the grand public debut Saturday afternoon at WWC.
Don't think the blowtorch would be nescesarry, unles you wanna try it with the paint and stuff on it....

I just need to reposition the bomb on the gaunt so the dragon head can be tied down, which means regluing the stuff that takes 24 hours to cure >.<

I also need to find something to take the stickiness off of the predator feet.... they're kinda tacky and like to stick to eachother if I'm not careful... any last-minute suggestions?
Okay, I did that just an hour or so ago before my shower..... let's hope it turns out good *crosses fingers*

The gaunts are allset up... the bladeed one looks like crap, but until last friday, I figured it could wait to halloween....

Once my photographer gets a free minute, I'll suit up and snap some test shots... the only downside is that the bio is heavier than I thought and if I tip my head down too far, it'll fall off.... the magnet can only hold so much. Plus I can't whip my head around like I can without the bio....

Pics will be up by tomorrow morning at the latest. o_O
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