The following steps will allow you embed pictures directly in your post
without having to use a third party image hosting site.
1) click the paperclip icon.
2) click the "Browse" button to locate the picture on your computer.
3) when finished adding all of the pictures, click the "Upload" button.
4) do not close the "Manage Attachments" window that you have been using. You will now have a list if image links under the "Current Attachments" heading.
5) right click on the image link, and select "Copy Link Location"/"Copy Shortcut".
6) do not close the "Manage Attachments" window if you have more than one picture that you want to embed in the post, otherwise you can close the "Manage Attachments" windows.
7) click on the "Insert Image" icon (the little mountain).
8) right-click on the "http://" and click on "Paste". This will paste the image URL in the box.
9) Click "OK" and your image will now be embedded in your post. If you have more images to embed in this post, just go back to the "Manage Attachments" window and repeat steps 5 through 9 until you have embedded all of your images. You can then close the "Manage Attachments" window.