How long was Flynn trapped on the Grid?


Sr Member
Tron 2

They talk about time and it seems Flynn was there for what was to him a VERY long time before the events of the movie.

Anyone calculate it out?
20 years, 11 months, 20 days, 16 hours, 22 minutes, 16 seconds (and rolling).

It's on the screen when Sam dusts off the computer interface.
Cycle - Tron Wiki - Tron, Tron Legacy, Tron 2.0, Tron Evolution and more

Flynn says a millicycle is about 8 hours, so that means a cycle is about 8,000 hours. Since a year is 8,760 hours (roughly; screw you and your leap years), but Castor says he's been trying to get Flynn's disk for 1000 cycles. So if you think 50 cycles in the Grid equals a year of real-time, like some of the tie-in stuff says, Castor's line makes sense in that 1000 cycles yields 20 years real-time and a thousand years from his POV.

But the real answer is: it's a movie. :lol
Castor says "how long u been lookin for this disk? Bout a thousand cycles?" I think i read on the Disney site it says roughly 1000 grid years in the Tron timeline... It explains everything between beginning of part 1 and the beginning of part 2 to catch u up to the Legacy. I read that before the movie released in theaters so i always assumed 1000 or so when i seen it
If a thousand years passed in there, not much really happened. Clu took over, Quorra showed up, the games restarted.
If a thousand years passed in there, not much really happened. Clu took over, Quorra showed up, the games restarted.

Actually the games were going on before CLU took over (as we see in the TRON: Betrayal comic). They just reverted back to "kill or be killed" in that timeframe.
If a thousand years passed in there, not much really happened. Clu took over, Quorra showed up, the games restarted. life evolved
and was subsequently hunted to extinction by a raised army of repurposed programs. Yeah, you're right; not much happened.


It's digital jazz, man!
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