homemade facehugger and pod


New Member
hi i'm kinda new to all this and make my own props for fun mostly out of what i can salvage at work or around the house for this project i made the facehugger mostly out of masking tape and the pod out of a few bits and bobs, minus the cost of the paint and glue this cost me £0.00. But I'm always out for any hints how to make things better so any creative criticism would be greatly recieved :) (oh and sorry if i've put this in the wrong place)



Good start to propmaking , a cheap and easy way to improve might be some latex rubber painted ontop, you can get it in various colours or mix your own and if layered on you could get a much better look :cool
I like it - a good example that this hobby (and the results) don't have to be uber-accurate to be just good plain old fun.

Nice job!
Good work, I also think that you can add a layer of latex over it so it gets a skin feeling.:) and you could add a little warning sticker "keep away from face" on the box
Thanks for the praise :D i did ponder the latex but its never too late to add it at a later date :D lol contec I do like the health and safety aspect, I did put on the alien hazard label from the liens vs predator game. because you know, in space no-one can hear you scream....except the HSE
Good start.:thumbsup
Years ago I made a couple small scale face huggers with wire and toothpick skeletons than used cotton and latex for the muscles and skin.
For the larger of the two I used some carved upholstery foam for the overall body shape.
