Home made props? What can i make for next to nothing?

Jr. jones

Well-Known Member
I've really been spending too much on props lately. What are some good home made props I can make with a trip to the craft-hardware store? I mostly do indiana jones, firefly, sherlock holmes, quantum leap, forrest gump, star wars and iron man. But anything else I can make I will also. Any sugesstions?
I've really been spending too much on props lately. What are some good home made props I can make with a trip to the craft-hardware store? I mostly do indiana jones, firefly, sherlock holmes, quantum leap, forrest gump, star wars and iron man. But anything else I can make I will also. Any sugesstions?

theres tons of stuff to make but i guess the most obvious for me is a lightsaber
If you already have a computer, a printer and Photoshop, the sky is the limit when it comes to paper props. Specially IJ documents/diary stuff.
I have two props in process that cost almost nothng.

Collect the following and I'll show you how to make two somethings.

-Brown/Gold box of Kleenex, empty is preferred.
-A can of fake snow.
-a Black magic marker.
-a Walnut
-a 1/2" diameter ball of some kind.
-Silver glitter.
-White glue.
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I got the paper props covered and I've made lightsabers before, I'm looking for something new I guess. If anyone's made something and has the recipe of how they did it I'm intressed.
Get one or two of these.....
Sculpt something small....
coins, medallions, rings, trinkets.....
added bonus, such props take up very
little space so you can have LOTS more
of them!


I have two props in process that cost almost nothng.

Collect the following and I'll show you how to make two somethings.

-Brown/Gold box of Kleenex, empty is preferred.
-A can of fake snow.
-a Black magic marker.
-a Walnut
-a 1/2" diameter ball of some kind.
-Silver glitter.
-White glue.

I'm curious now
ive made several cheap props. in fact, all of my props have been under $20. For example, i made angelina jolie's gun from "Wanted" from a small part of pvc, a ten dollar airsoft gun, silver and hammered bronze spray paint, black model paint, a file, a hack saw, a scroll saw, air-dry clay, and lots of time. You can see pictures on my WIP thread that i have posted. You can also try to make harry potter wands from a stick, a knife , and once again, LOTS of time. Hope this helped!
I hate to toot my own horn but I made my Blind fury sword Cheep by buying a $20.00 fake bamboo sword and then sanding it down to approximate shape, Stain and a bit of old t-shirt rag and whalla.

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You can make virtually anything from nothing, as long as you have the imagination, time and patience.

All of the following pictures, are things i made from MDF, a lot of it scrap i already had, some bondo, plastic, sculpy, and paint.
In all honesty to make each item, probably cost me less than £10 in materials.




A Tribble...There are many sights that give the original instructions on how to make these. You can buy craft fur or perhaps you have an old stuffed animal laying around that would do .Either way I have made these on many a rainy day for fun when I want to build but have very little money. They are next to nothing to make.
Jedi Food Capsules. Just need a few dry pens to steal the caps from and then paint them silver, gold, or copper.
The Ironman helmet and Batman Cowl and upper body armor cost me less then $10 in foam and about $2 worth of glue sticks. The last foam Ironman helmet I did cost around $25 including paint and LED's for the eyes.
Last Night I took A scrap pvc pipe, cut it to size, scratched it up a bit with a hacksaw, Banged it on the ground to make some pointy edges, and painted it with a base coat of silver, then just threw a punch of colour highlights onto it.

BAM!!! Instant Battle damaged Gambit staff from x-men!
I've never been one for the found parts props, mostly because any identified pieces have been all bought up and are hard to find / expensive.

But I just ordered the base part for a Goldeneye limpet mine.
The joystick cost me £5 and 90% of the work is done, just throw in some LEDs, a very simple paint job and it's done.