Highlander-The Source butterfly swords..


Sr Member
Sorta fitting that these are almost ready since Highlander The Source just hit DVD stands this past tuesday.
Let me first say that I am a HUGE Highlander fan, so for me to say that The Source is one of he worst movies ever made, is saying alot.
However, it IS a Highlander movie, therefore i forgive it of all of its miriade of shortcomings and will probably grow to love it as much as i love Highlander 2, which USED to hold the title of worst movie ever made...

SPOILER ALERT....... ah hell... no one will probably see it anyway...
but in the Craptastic movie, poor Duncan looses his PRIZED 500 year old Marto wallhanger katana and has to find another weapon to chop heads with.... Luckily, Docks in Lithuania (where the movie was filmed) just so happens to have a large amount of weapons laying around and in a fancraptic musical montage, Duncan finds some Butterfly Swords that he luckily is already very skilled in using. It helps when the Music is "Princes of the Universe" but alas, not sung by Queen, but by some Karaoke band who are all tone deaf..... After quickly cleaning them with some KY jelly, they apparently finds them suitable for fighting the most powerful immortal every, who happens to have a leather fetish.... however Duncan drops them a few times fighting poorly armed mortals.... guess they are tougher than those ancient immortals...

Anyway, if anyone has actually SEEN this movie, which had its major huge big U.S. premier on the Sci Fi Channel a few months ago, you will probably get all of the jokes above.... if you have NOT wasted 1.5 hours of your life watching it, then i just wasted a few minutes of yours making you read all of that.... so without further adue... on to the blades!

regardless of all i said above, Im still a highlander fan, and therefore have supreme authority to complain... and still love it!
as stated Duncy looses his sword and gets butterfly swords.
I commissioned a swordsmith, Earl Blackmore to make me a pair, replicating the movie props as closly as possible while at the same time making them functional weapons. useing crappy pictures , we were able to figure out the "kanji" symbols on the blade and Earl acid etched them on.... i gotta give Earl props, because given the VERY limited photographic reference combined with the fact that neither he NOR i can read what it says, i think he did a good job........ if anyone who CAN read that writing (i THINK its supposed to be chinese...) and it looks fudged up.... well.... be nice :)
He has been working on these a long time and I think hes done a really good job replicating the prop!
so here are some pics...



They look pretty cool!

I thought I was the only poor ******* who suffered through this movie, but it's like some sort of curse. I tried to warn my parents about it when sci fi was going to show it but they watched it anyway.

My mom actually called me and left a voice mail saying "Oh... lord, you were right. I will never doubt you about movies again" :lol

Have you given thought to a display for them yet?
I havent even received them yet actually they are having a custom scabbard made for them, and i will probably mount them in the trashcan right next to my copy of THE SOURCE on DVD.... lol

just kidding.
regadless of the suck factor of the movies, these butterflies look pretty cool
I was excited when first hearing about the movie and even tracked down the Russian bootleg copy that was floating around. I watched that and just pretty much have come to the conclusion that its 1.5 hours of my life I just can't get back.

Then of course I heard that it was re-edited and would be in Sci-Fi and I was happy again. Till of course I saw it and realized the edit job was worse then the directors cut of number 2. (At least that took out them being from another planet!) And what in the world was with the Jabba the Hutt immortal guy, or thing? I dunno.

But, aside from all that, it is Highlander and I gladly bought a copy on DVD at best buy, though its still got the shrink wrap on it and may for the foreseeable future.

And again, aside from all that, this is about the knives, and I must say, they are very nice! Great collection you have! I'm looking forward to ordering my Genei soon to go with my musashi.
My hope is that they will wait a few years and completely reboot Highlander (learning from the mistakes).
I can easily see an older Antonio Banderas as Ramirez and Thomas Jane as McCleod. Start fresh and eliminate the ending in the first movie that lead to so many lame attempts to move past it.
I think Thomas Jane will be too old to play macleod in a few years.
but they need to find a new, younger, maybe unknown actor for macleod... young enouhg that they can use him for several movies
in fact, they need to make a trioligy ALL at once.
they coluld take the events of the FIRST highlnader movie with the kurgan and spread it out over a trilogy, and show events thruout history