Heroes' Haitian Necklace


Sr Member
I'm looking to make a couple of the "Helix" pendants from Heroes and have a couple of questions. I've seen different designs floating around the net and all are different.

Here's the one from Wikipedia:

The Haitian's on the show: the 2 lines on the left look to have slanted ends and aren't that far apart in terms of short and long like the pictures above.

This is the one NBC is selling... I have NO idea where they got this one from and why it's so far away from what is on the show...

Here is my first quick version in hand cut 14g Sterling Silver.

I did it kinda fast to see how one would turn out, I need to clean up some of the areas more and maybe make the next one a bit wider too, I know the Haitian's pendant is bigger also:

Let me know what you guys think, and if you have any other accurate pictures to go by...

- Jeff
I'm pretty sure only the bottom back line is slanted on the Haitian's. And the funky symbol is the one from Hiro's katana.
Ok thanks! I went ahead and finished the piece since it was already cut out. I'll mess around with my pattern more for the next one!



- Jeff
FWIW, I think the NBC one is based on the actual kanji script and not an idealized one that appears on the sword or the hatian.

Ok cool, yeah I thought the sword version was still pretty close to the necklace.

I'm almost finished with another piece using the symbol, but this time it's an inlay with black cold enamel.

I've had a lot of positive feed back on it from other boards, and it sold on my E-store within the first hour. So yeah I'll be making a couple more.

I'll post a JY thread soon, and I found 2 more sets of Imp. logo Cufflinks that I'll put up as well.

- Jeff