Help Winnie Cooper become Wonder Woman!

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Yes, I heard about that. Must be a big site because my website exploded and my email box overflowed all day. As far as I can tell, that music got one of two responses: 1) It's FANTASTIC! IT'S PERFECT! and 2) It's the WORST THING EVER WRITTEN. EVER. Nothing in between. I've never seen that before. I'm glad most of it was positive, but I'm also glad I'm not having to actually write that for what appears to me to be even more rabid fans than the Star Wars set. For as hyperbolic and over-the-top praise I got, I also got some truly furious, spittle-emitting, wish-I-was dead hate mail. Over a song! Not even a song, actually, an 8-hour speed writing exercise! Even after 30 years I'm still surprised by how worked up people get about music. When I posted that here a couple of weeks ago, it got absolutely nothing like that kind of response. "Fascinating," as the man would say.

_Mike can get a little creepy...but those threatening you would have to haul themselves out of mommy's basement and get a bus pass to come after
One person told me he hopes my fingers get cut off in an accident and somebody blows my eardrums out with gunshot report so I can't ever write music again and "discredit, disrespect and defame," the genius contribution of Alexander Courage, whose widow, he hopes, never has to know about this "vicious, pus-filled bile of a piece."

How's THAT for criticism?

Well, you know if any of these mental midgets start harassing you all you have to do is give me a call...
One person told me he hopes my fingers get cut off in an accident and somebody blows my eardrums out with gunshot report so I can't ever write music again and "discredit, disrespect and defame," the genius contribution of Alexander Courage, whose widow, he hopes, never has to know about this "vicious, pus-filled bile of a piece."

How's THAT for criticism?_Mike
At least you haven't graduated into the getting stalked category yet - I had one nutjob go after me in real life a few years back over a fanfilm... may you never have to learn what *that* feels like... :)
One person told me he hopes my fingers get cut off in an accident and somebody blows my eardrums out with gunshot report so I can't ever write music again and "discredit, disrespect and defame," the genius contribution of Alexander Courage, whose widow, he hopes, never has to know about this "vicious, pus-filled bile of a piece."

How's THAT for criticism?


That's crazy that somebody would get THAT worked up over your interpretation of the music.

I mean, what does it matter if somebody reinterprets it? Does it retroactively ruin the original somehow? I just don't get that...


Oh, and I'm also looking forward to seeing this costume thing. I've seen that one woman that does the cool Wonder Woman costume... I think she goes by "Miracole". She's got a killer Kingdom Come costume IMHO.
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We're definitely trying to do it right. Danica's getting body-casted this weekend, and then the real stuff begins.

Hey, I went to that exhibit!
They wouldn't allow any pictures to be taken, but I sneaked a single slightly out of focus one of the Linda Carter suit for my friend whose grandfather created the character. He was pleased.

*and now returning to the topic at hand*
For the lasso, would it be a good idea to try using Lightsheet rope?
It'd glow all pretty, and covered in a sheath of transparent rope, might look really cool.
Of course, there's the matter of the batteries.

Thanks for the link to the original TV version. We entertained doing this for about 2 seconds, but...

Pity about the blue fading to purple.

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It's really something that you can share in the hobby with that special someone....and thanks for sharing the project here. I was going to say that Wonder woman's outfit should have strength, and the metalic parts reflect (literally) that strength, but IMHO it should be light and form-fitting as well since she is essentially a feminine figure (emphasis on feminine and figure :) ). Everything about her is quick and light....plane, costume, how she can block bullets (well almost everything hehe). I don't think it should look heavy, on TV it looked like the wind could blow through those fabrics :lol. Anyway, very nice choice in design, and a very nice ANH Leia costume as well.


That's really awesome man! Her character drove me crazy and made me so angry on the show, but damn, she's cool in real life. What a fan! :) It's great when the woman you love is into costuming too isn't it? My wife is a doll and your woman is too. Congratulations!
Damn, the cast of the hands has taken a TON of details!:eek

I hope (and I think) the final product will be great!;)

Good luck and have fun!:)
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