Help needed with Han Solo's ANH Belt Tools


New Member
Well, I have built my Han Solo ANH blaster and finished making my ANH Solo costume. The only thing I need now are the belt tools that go along with the outfit. Can anyone help me out with good photos of the tool kit or possibly a schematic of it?

Try here: Han Star Wars

A BB-gun CO2 cartridge will do just fine instead of the torch cylinder, just paint it a light blue-grey. The small boxes are some sort of vintage electronics and are fairly easy to replicate from the picture. As for what goes in the small pocket on the left side, I used to keep a condom in there. :D
The link above is nice, but there is not any close ups of the tools. I know about the CO2 cartridge, but I am concerned about the boxes.

I saw the resin ones that CE has for sale and they are awesome, but I can't afford them. Especially since I am doing my Han Solo costume on a budget.

I guess that I will just have to come up with something. Does anyone have close up pics of these or possibly a blueprint for them? Surely someone has to have these.