Help identifying this space jumpsuit ???


New Member
Hi Everyone,

New to this forum. Once in a while I check out a local store in Los Angeles called Its a Wrap that buys up extra wardrobe from local studios. Been lucky over the years and found items from Aliens, The Thing and even Jurassic Park 3.

Anyway, I was there today and found the attached jump suit. For the life of me, I can't seem to place it (but it definitely appears to be from some Space related show/film).


Anyone have a clue?


  • IMG_0295.jpg
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Hi Goodstuff

That looks like a MIR flightsuit..

[Real MIR]

There is a scene set on MIR in Virus (1999) and one of the Characters is called Colonel Kominski. However, The actor has his flight suit tied around his waist so you cant see the patches . The patches the other crew have on their suits are completely different. In 14 years, I am sure the costume has been repurposed.

virus cosmonaut.jpg
[MIR in 'Virus']
Thanks! That's amazing. I am sure you are right that the studio repurposed this old flight suit after using it in this film.

Another crazy tidbit. I felt something hard in one if the jump suits pockets and it was a comb. I am guessing the actor left it there.

Now I need to find this blockbuster of a film starting William Baldwin and Donald Sutherland.

Any fans of Virus on here? Haha.
Check the suit for signs of the various patches having been sewn on. I'll bet you'll find the needle holes if you look close enough. Good catch, crimson!

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