Help finding a LARGE plastic Bell jar


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone would be able to point me in a certain direction. I am short on time and trying to avoid having to sculpt this and use something to save time.

I am trying to make this shaped helmet and am hoping to sort of cheat it by either using something that is the same shape or rigging it with a plastic bell jar. (have YET to find one big enough for a human head that is not $500 or more)


Once I have the shape I have access to PETG clear plastic and a vacuumform table... But still. kind of in a rut with time and facilities.

Anyone have any ideas?


ive been searching for about two years now for one almost like that, the one i want is taller though, but i have yet to find anything....
Its blowing me away that I live in the heart of Los Angeles and cant find ANYTHING that remotely looks like a big friggin gumdrop to use as a mold to vacuumform.
How about a half tear drop tank. It is like a 70's style tear drop motorcycle gas tank sliced in half. They are used as paint sample items. It could be cut to shape maybe with some work. I have one that I'll dig up and show you what I mean, just can't find it now in the dark garage. It is a fiber glass resin material.
If you can find a 'Pottery' store in you're area, they have

glass domes, large and small, but I only seen these with a nob on the tops. 'Like to encase food.

Not sure if they carry plastic one's for which you seek.

But the place is large enough, ya never know if ya don't look.:)

Good Luck!
Why not just laminate some wood together and go to town on it with a disk grinder to shape it? You could even use a little bondo if you get carried away. I think that you would have zero chanch of melting it or cracking when the hot plastic hits it. I have made forms like this a few times, and it goes pretty quick using a hard backed 40 grit pad. A little slower with a grinding stone though. Just make sure you have a dust mask and glasses:lol