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    • mwhelan182
      mwhelan182 replied to the thread Spacesuit Costume.
      I appreciate the help man! I haven't drawn anything to be honest, my artistic skill is in the negative - I would like it to resemble an...
    • mwhelan182
      mwhelan182 reacted to joberg's post in the thread Spacesuit Costume with Like Like.
      It all depends of the final look you want to achieve. Did you draw some kind of final silhouette? Details of things you'd like to see...
    • mwhelan182
      Hey all! I am aiming to put together my first real costume in quite a few years, and have always been fascinated by semi-accurate...
    • mwhelan182
      Any chance of getting a link to that dome? I am only finding smaller ones and am looking to put together a bit of a hodge-podge...
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