Hellboy's Crucifix (hangs from holster) and fixin's


Master Member
Okay, so we have our holsters. What do we need to complete the prop? (aside from the Samaritan)
I'd like for us to get together and start putting together the crucifix (what size beads, chain, crucifix) so it would be like a group project.
Also, what else could we do to make the set more complete? Here are some ideas:

The Talisman
The lighter (could go in one of the pouches)
Maybe a speed loader (though I don't think it would fit in a pouch)
Maybe even a tracker

If someone could post some good screencaps, maybe we could figure out the approx size of the crucifix.
Okay, so we have our holsters. What do we need to complete the prop? (aside from the Samaritan)
I'd like for us to get together and start putting together the crucifix (what size beads, chain, crucifix) so it would be like a group project.
Also, what else could we do to make the set more complete? Here are some ideas:

The Talisman
The lighter (could go in one of the pouches)
Maybe a speed loader (though I don't think it would fit in a pouch)
Maybe even a tracker


Actually, I was thinking about of opening a thread to find a crucifix to compliment the SS 1:1 bust.:)
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Guys, keep in mind, we're talking about the big honkin' crucifix that hangs from his holster with the really big beads, not the rosary he wears around his wrist.
hows the build quality and overall look of the holster?

i have a "Sammy" on order with the cool LED bullets and was considering a holster

great idea for a group project



From the new movie.

More pix later.

Nice pic! Okay, so the crucifix appears to be, what, about 10 inches by 5 inches? And nice to see they're still using the tracker, but where's the horseshoe?
If anyone can find out how big the BPRD seal on the buckle is, or how tall the buckle itself is, we can use that to determine the size of the crucifix.





Image hosting by WackyChimp. :love

Are these latest pics from Hellboy II?

If so they might not be the best reference for the originals gear. The HBII belt might be similar in style but different. In one of the shots that shows a left side profile of HB wihtout his coat you can see that the belt has at least 3 pouches. There is something else on the right side that can be partially seen(can't tell if it is another pouch or maybe even the horseshoe tucked in).

Then again they might have just also added some extra gear onto the original belt. Definitely not expert enough on the props to tell.

I just noticed something. I don't think his duster in the new movie is leather like it was in the first one. Looks very much like canvas. Compar his obvious leather collar to the rest of the coat.
Okay, if we assume the lisenced holster is to scale, the length of the crucifix from top to bottom is approx. 5 3/4".
By the details it looks like a wood crucifix with the details in metal added,though the ***** looks a little small?:confused