Hell on Wheels

I love the show :) Abby started watching it too and due to her taking a Westward Expansion class for her degree in history took a liking to it as well
I watch HELL ON WHEELS and AMERICAN HORROR STORY, and also JUSTIFIED and THE WALKING DEAD. These half season breaks are messing me up. I can't keep straight what is coming on where and when. :wacko
I FINALLY finished Season 2, after waiting a damn year for it to come out. One thing that really irks me about how some networks do this, is that they'll run a show, put up episodes on On Demand, but then pull the episodes not 2-3 weeks later. You miss it? Too bad. Wait a year to get caught up or go buy it on iTunes. AMC is particularly bad about this, I find. They release their shows to things like On Demand and Netflix VERY slowly. Oh, sure, you can BUY them the very next day after they aired, but you can't get it through your subscription services for a year.

Still, killer season with some really surprising turns and twists. I'll be really curious to see what happens next season.
I'm going to be getting my dad season 2 on dvd, season 1 was the first thing i ever saw him watch as a marathon like that.
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