Has Anyone Seen This Yet? Vader Robotic Arm!


Master Member
I saw this at Target tonight and just had to pick it up. For $29, this thing is pretty cool. It's just begging for a repaint, some wires, and greeblies.
I haven't opened it yet, but it looks like you can manipulate it via controls.
I'm betting I can turn it into something pretty cool. Man! You could use this as a lightsaber stand! Dang this thing is so cool!
I saw this at Target tonight and just had to pick it up. For $29, this thing is pretty cool. It's just begging for a repaint, some wires, and greeblies.
I haven't opened it yet, but it looks like you can manipulate it via controls.
I'm betting I can turn it into something pretty cool. Man! You could use this as a lightsaber stand! Dang this thing is so cool!

Very cool, I didn't know these were out yet! Great price too! Post pics once you get it open.
Very cool, I didn't know these were out yet! Great price too! Post pics once you get it open.

Here's what it looks like all opened up. Yay! All individual pieces to paint/modify and put back together. Maybe not on the lightsaber stand idea. i'm pretty sure I could mod it to be sturdy enough, but it's definitely not a full size adult hand. maybe the size of an 8-10 year old. We'll see once it's put together.
What is it for or what does it do? I understand what it is I just cant tell if it is a costume piece or a static thing for kids to hit each other with. :lol

I'm wodering if it would be worth one of our folkks, here on the boards, to scan the parts, inlarge them, and have them CNCed, or laser cut, or something.
excellent find and post trent. jUst what the dr ordered. Will be picking this up tomorow.
What is it for or what does it do? I understand what it is I just cant tell if it is a costume piece or a static thing for kids to hit each other with. :lol

It's part of the new Star Wars Science toys line. Like the Force Trainer and Mustafar volcano. It has a booklet with some history of robotics and prosthetic limbs for teaching purposes. The toy itself is just a kit to build a "robotic" arm. There are two levers that control the rotation and grasping motion as well as raise and lower the arm. It teaches basic mechanics and building skills.
I'm wodering if it would be worth one of our folkks, here on the boards, to scan the parts, inlarge them, and have them CNCed, or laser cut, or something.

Dude, that would be so sweet. It does have a lot of parts to give it that "Inner Workings" look. I just got done putting it together and I can imagine an all metal full size version would be really killer.

I'm definitely going to take it apart (easily done) again, repaint it, add some more detail etc....when I have the time of course.

I'd be so in for a full size one though.

Looking at the included picture in the booklet of the movie arm (cg? or did they make an actual arm? visual dictionary maybe) it's got a lot of the same detail.

CHOKING HAZARD - Small parts Not for children under 3 yrs.


That part just struck me as funny :)
(ok.. I'm a SW geek..)
Trooper Trent..... you, umm..... do you always assemble your models in the bathroom?



PS - looks like it's made out of PVC or Vinyl, yes?
deuce... hahahaha:lol:lol

That really is a kewl prop and looks to be well designed. I want one now!
I think a scaled up version would look awesome on a 1:1 display Vader!