Has anyone done the Duke & Duke cheques from Trading Places?

I was able to identify some of the typefaces and have uploaded the PNG image below if you need these.
I also have a PDF of the file. It's kind of a large file, but I can upload it if you think you can use it.

The fonts are Crash Numbering, Copperplate, and Courier.

Check Text.png
I was able to identify some of the typefaces and have uploaded the PNG image below if you need these.
I also have a PDF of the file. It's kind of a large file, but I can upload it if you think you can use it.

The fonts are Crash Numbering, Copperplate, and Courier.

View attachment 941883
I have all three fonts, thank you. It’s the word “EXACTLY” that I can’t identify. Maybe the main black/red numbers for the amount.
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