Harvey Dent/Two Face bust paintup WIP


Sr Member
It's been a while since I posted up any of the projects that I've had ongoing (lots started, but nothing finished yet), so I thought I'd throw this up for some feedback as I go along.

The last human bust I painted up was my T3 Arnie, and I got some good pointers here as I was going along, so if you've any tips/suggestions (especially on the skin tone - human skin is NOT easy to paint) please post up.

OK, so I got this bust raw/unpainted. I've been working with several different colours, all brush work only (don't have an airbrush), various washes and stippling. Working on the unscarred part only just now obviously. Here's where I'm at:


With and without flash


Skin tone detail


So far I'm thinking the pink on the lower eyelid needs toned down a little and the ear needs more colour variation. Other suggestions?

Oh, and if anyone has any good high-res shots of the scarred side, please share, I want to get this just right! :thumbsup
That looks awesome did you sculpt it yourself... If this helps I found this

Do you take commissions on ?
as Ive brought a tony stark bust from acidburn and when it arrives in the new year im looking at getting it painted by someone in the UK PM if you can :D
Thanks for the pic Chris. Yeah, thats's the best image of his scarred side I've found so far. Any stills of the Blu-Ray would be great if they're online somewhere.....

No, not my sculpt, it was sculpted by Tyler Hasslett - a great sculptor, but sadly lacking in the sales department, hence his banning from several sites, including this one. I bought the bust from a 3rd party.

I don't do commissions. To be honest, the thought of messing up someone else's pride and joy scares me to death!
Thanks for the pic Chris. Yeah, thats's the best image of his scarred side I've found so far. Any stills of the Blu-Ray would be great if they're online somewhere.....

I don't do commissions. To be honest, the thought of messing up someone else's pride and joy scares me to death!

Thats ashame as your very handy a painting better then me..
These might help I'm a member on a blu ray forum and these are the screenshots I could find of two face hopefully they help




Keep us updated with the project too please :D
well Howlrunner, nice paint so far(no tips from me cause i dont have any ;) :) !),

glad to finally find a TDK 1.1 bust that isn't Joker or Batman, so, nice nice!!!
Two-face's made up/CG face in TDK is one of my favorite make up jobs ever. It just looks so fantastically grisly. Look forward to seeing more of your bust. Never noticed what a big chin A.E. has!
Got a bit more done, but not a lot. I've finished painting the eyebrow and painted the pink base layer on the burned half and blended it into the unburned side. No pics at the moment though.
A little more done. Drybrushed a red/orange over the pink of the burned side and then did a dark red wash. Still a lot more to do on the burned side. Testing it with a glass eye I had spare (I will be ordering more accurate eyes towards the end of the paintup).

I'm pretty happy with the skintone colouration of the unburned side:


And where I'm at at the moment:

This looks awesome, I've always really liked two face of a character, and love TDK interpretation. I also really like Aaron Eckhart as an actor so thats another reason I approve haha.
Thanks. The bust is pretty much finished now. I've painted the whole thing up and I've added a wig (cut in half) and given a satin sheen to the (non-crispy) exposed flesh areas. I'm just waiting on his custom-made glass eyes arriving before I take some pics and upload them. :thumbsup

Oh, and he still needs clothes. Anyone know an accurate(ish) tie source?
The custom eyes FINALLY arrived today. They're OK, but I have to admit that they could be better - the line around the iris is too solid for my liking, the iris size looks a touch too large, and the bloodshot eye could be more bloodshot. Am I just being too picky?

Anyway, here's Harv, pretty much finished. Still has no clothes (or eyelashes) yet, but otherwise he's done (arty photos again - lighting is too poor this evening for straight bust pics):


Here he is in much harsher, less flattering, light:


I've decided I really don't like the eyes - the outer edge of the iris is way too sharp (rather than blurred), the irises are too large (13mm instead of the 11mm I specified), and there's not enough veining in the damaged - so I'm having the eyes remade as I wasn't happy with them.

And I have since got him a shirt, suit jacket and a 98% accurate tie. And ideas how to make the jacket look burned/crispy on one side (without actually setting fire to the thing)?
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