Harry Potter Book/Paper Prop Tutorials, Photos + Complete Advanced Potion Making

Thanks everyone! I'm dead chuffed at how it came out, for my first 'real' project.

I'm, of course, not counting the accidental sanding of a layer of skin as a negative.
Well for Christmas i set out to make one of theses for a friend that simply goes bonkers for HP. Simply went CRAZY!!! she got teary eyed and everything ( a lil scary actuallly....) any way...... Here are few pic of the one i made





More pics here https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150449809071938.364261.513686937&type=3

GRACIAS ECL for making this :)

Ps how do i post the small pic????....... XD i dont know heh
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TK, that sounds great! Happy to hear it, and very nice work on finishing the book. The notes looks great as well!

Thanks for all the comments everyone too!
Wow! What a brilliant replica TK-2126_MD!
I can see why your friend was thrilled, I know if I received that as a present I'd be over the moon as well! Great job :D

Great job on the artwork and textblock as well Ecl! I've probably said it before but I'll say it again :D

Well done TK. Great gift.


TK, that sounds great! Happy to hear it, and very nice work on finishing the book. The notes looks great as well!

Thanks for all the comments everyone too!

Gracias guy it really means alot comeing from you guys :love lol

Once again Gracias ECL & RPF really couldnt have done it with out You, Gays and Gals from here :)
Where did you get the "marble" paper for the inside front and back covers? That looks sooo cool. Also I have to say that the wand you made it totaly crazy looking. One of the coolest fan mades I have ever seen.

Well for Christmas i set out to make one of theses for a friend that simply goes bonkers for HP. Simply went CRAZY!!! she got teary eyed and everything ( a lil scary actuallly....) any way...... Here are few pic of the one i made





More pics here https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150449809071938.364261.513686937&type=3

GRACIAS ECL for making this :)

Ps how do i post the small pic????....... XD i dont know heh
Gracias :)

The marble pages i just Google imagined " marble paper" and looked and looked for a pattern that i liked. the pattern i used is a Berretti Florentine Marbled Paper - Red & Black Veined. but there are 1000´s if not more

The wand Thanks :) i really enjoyed making that, i have always said that i like to carve natural wood shapes then force the wood to do what i want it to do ;)
Just bought your book from blurb. I see there have been no recent updates on this post since dec 2012. Is the blurb version still the "clean" version? Or will you be making available a "snapes/used " version with snapes notes, not just on that one page? Would love to see other books available on blurb, are there?? Like the Defense against the Dark Arts? Thanks
Hi! Thanks for buying the book. It is the clean version with no notes. I just figured that if someone wanted the notes they could write it in themselves for authenticity. I don't have plans to do another version. As for other books, I haven't really thought about it, although I think some people have been working on some on the forum. There is a thread somewhere about that. I'll try to look for it and link it here! I just don't have any time to work on something like a book anymore :(
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APM is one of the HP books I dream to possess, so I'm just going to say BRAVO for your excellent work on this ! I found it on blurb and I'll buy it for sure ! :thumbsup

Looks like the photos got disconnected again. I'll go through my references and upload what I can to rpf directly so that won't happen again. Files move around all the time when they're hosted on imageshack, etc. I'll try to do that when I have time this weekend.

As for adding snape-type notes to the book, I only have a few references of what was seen on screen, but you could use those as a style guide. When I made one with the notes, most of it was pretty much gibberish, as a lot of the notes in the screen one seemed to be too; very hard to read, to almost illegible except for a few key words that stood out!
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