Han Solo ANH Blaster Variations?


New Member
Hey Everyone,

Word on the street is that there are 3-4 different variations on Han Solo's ANH blaster. As a Han Solo fan, I am a little behind the curve because I have no idea what the different blasters look like.

Can anyone enlighten me as to what the blasters look like and give me a little info on each?

It is very much appreciated. Thank you!
Hey Everyone,

Word on the street is that there are 3-4 different variations on Han Solo's ANH blaster. As a Han Solo fan, I am a little behind the curve because I have no idea what the different blasters look like.

Can anyone enlighten me as to what the blasters look like and give me a little info on each?

It is very much appreciated. Thank you!

I'm trying to get a handle on how much you know or may not know...

Considering the bold statement, are you aware that the general consensus is that there were primarily two versions (Greedo Killer and Hero)?

If you were aware of these two, but yet have still heard there are more, then that is a bit of a different question.

There have been very rare pics of very rare versions of Solo's blasters (versions we never really see replicated), but the one rare version that is sticking in my mind I think was from ROTJ.
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The Parts site describes the two different versions.

Here's the most popular of the two:


Personally, I like the Alternate or Greedo Killer version since it's the only version that gets a nice close up shot in the film:

Review ANH yourself and see which one you like the best. ;)
Great guy and service, but not sure about accuracy on the blaster parts because I haven't bought any from him. FYI, he's not selling the Denix Mausers and M19 scopes anymore.
Great guy and service, but not sure about accuracy on the blaster parts because I haven't bought any from him. FYI, he's not selling the Denix Mausers and M19 scopes anymore.

Thanks Clutch.

Bummer on the Mauser, the M19 doesn't bother me as I really want to make the ANH version. I also have the MR ESB already and I'd rather build stuff I don't have yet before I go back and build more accurate versions of the props I already have.
Blast-Tech parts are of a very high quality but are not completely accurate to what we've learned about the blaster over the last decade.

The big problem is that no other metal parts are readily available so the Blast-Tech kit is a great starting point. After that your choices are to modify the parts to bring them up to date and/or to keep your eye on the junkyard for anyone selling off parts to upgrade.

After that the next option is the Master Replicas Elite Edition.
I am digging the Greedo killer blaster. What are the chances of getting the pieces needed to make this? Could I start with a blast-tech or is that a no go?
Well, there are the screen used and promo versions of the so-called "Greedo Killer" version of the blaster. They're the same prop but different scope rings.
So you could say there are 3 versions of the Han ANH blaster.

Personally, I prefer the Hero prop because it's put together nicer and it's an overall cleaner design - plus it gets nearly all the screen time except those couple seconds you see the Alternate blaster. The Hero fires every shot including the one that kills Greedo.
I am digging the Greedo killer blaster. What are the chances of getting the pieces needed to make this? Could I start with a blast-tech or is that a no go?

Like most things some projects are an ongoing quest for perfection. Start a box, and put parts in there until you are ready to assemble. All the parts are obtainable. I see GK parts from time to time in the JY. The hardest part is the scope, and a resin copy is being offered as an interest thread by adamata, who is extremely reputable. Lots of threads on Han blasters. One hint I'd suggest is that some of the decent metal mauser replicas are pot metal and require resurfacing with a file to level off imperfections. I like the look of buffed black auto primer, but that's me.

Good luck,
After that the next option is the Master Replicas Elite Edition.

The MR EE is a good looking piece, but I have to have a weathered version and I'm not buying an EE just to weather it. I think I may get side tracked from this one and build an Obi Saber first. I see that Russ has a 2nd run of parts going already.

I do like the idea of collecting parts slowly. That will require patience which is something I am going to have to learn as I get started. My wallet will thank me later.
I personally prefer the hero prop and thought it was the coolest for years however the Greedo Killer has grown on me and is currently my next build however parts havent been the easiest to obtain so it could take awhile.