Halloween 2007 screen-used masks


Sr Member
I was staying the weekend at Tyler's house a few weeks ago and he was showing me a display someone gave him to put his Halloween masks and knife in. Although the regular mask actually needs a full fake head underneath it to sit better (like the "Pumpkin" mask does) it was really a nice gift and with an engraved plaque and all made a great display. Tyler just had the pumpkin masking hanging on the wall last time I was there. Anyway, I thought I would share some picture - sorry about the marks but I didn't want someone using the pics to sell bad copies of masks on eBay. Someday I hope to use my hi-rez copies of the pictures to get some good copies of each mask made, as I have never seen ones I really liked.:)

And a few shots of the "Pumpkin "mask I took last time I was visiting (sorry for the last one but I could not help trying it on:angel not nearly as creepy with short hair:rolleyes)

Okay those are really cool... but, he might want to put the main mask on something to keep it's shape. It's gonna get warped.
Okay those are really cool... but, he might want to put the main mask on something to keep it's shape. It's gonna get warped.
Yeah, as I said in the post he does need that, and he does know that (I told him) and is looking for one. :)

OOOOh, I gots to make me one of those pumpkin masks!

yeah, I would like one as well. Some folks sell a few copies but they all have a melted look, instead of paper, I know there was a lack of good screen shots close up so that might be the reason. I originally tired to get some made using my pictures (I have others and all in much higher resolution) but all the mask makers I spoke with wanted to get Tyler involved with either loaning out the original, or get him to sign all the masks made for a production run to sell. Neither was I willing to do, so it has not worked out. If I had the skill I would make it myself and sell some copies to pay for the cost. Maybe even putting these low-resolution photo copies out maybe someone will make a decent mask at some point.:)
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Awesome pics, thanks for posting. Tyler have any info on a sequal?

Not currently, Rob really is not interested in doing another, and Tyler is more interested in being in Rob's next film then doing another Halloween (Tyler has been working out non-stop and growing a beard for the role) That all being said, Halloween (2007) did well, with the biggest labor day opening ever and made about 80 million worldwide, which is a success for a R rated horror flick - so I would never say it is out of the question. Although Tyler would prefer to show is face during films:lol
Those are great pictures, thanks for sharing! Slick display.
Is the pumpkin mask actual paper mache, or just strips of paper glued onto a cardboard base? I've wanted to make one of those for myself since I saw the movie, there's definitely something really cool about it.
Those are great pictures, thanks for sharing! Slick display.
Is the pumpkin mask actual paper mache, or just strips of paper glued onto a cardboard base? I've wanted to make one of those for myself since I saw the movie, there's definitely something really cool about it.

The pumpkin mask is made of Latex, sculpted to look like paper mache.
Oh duh! Sorry, my eyes gravitated towards the pictures and only skimmed what you had written :confused
No problem, it bothers me as well. :)
What bothers me just as much is that he probably will not do anything about it:rolleyes Next time I go I will plan on replacing it myself, otherwise 20 years from now it will still be that way (and ruined). Of course I have been encouraging him to frame the Wolverine dogtag and his Troy props for a few years.:)
Hope he's lightly powdered the inside of the mask with baby powder.
Latex exposed to skin oils and sweat will eventually brown and rot.
It should be kept out of direct sunlight and lightly powered after it's worn- He should wear nitrile gloves when doing this. I also agree that it needs to be placed on a display head- and not a styrofoam one either. The latex will melt when exposed to the styrofoam. Those wig holder heads do that to latex. I don't know why.
That mask will rot soon and lose it's shape if he doesn't care for it properly. Regular plastic grocery bags or a wooden display head would be fine. that black display head he's using for the Escape Mask looks like it's flocked with black felt powder- that looks like an ok display head to use- However if it's made of styrofaom then it shouldn't even be considered. Expandable foam and styrofoam are dangerous for latex.
I think I could make a CGI 3d sculpt of the escape mask and then convert it to a 2D UV template which would give you a accurate outlines of the paper parts. Just print and cut them and crinkle them up and glue them together. It would still need a support shell of sorts to glue them down too.
Is the orange construction paper parts of the mask latex made to look like paper or is it paper attached to a plastic or latex support shell shape. I can see the support shell and I don't know what part you guys are calling Latex.
I'm assume the support shell is the latex part although it looks like a piece of vacuformed plastic to me.
Know if anyone has a screen used, or a movie molded mask for sale? :)

Wayne Toth (The Guy who made the Masks for the film) gave the mold of the Rotted Version of the Mask To Neca Toys.

The fans were sort of promised that Neca would make replica's of this mask, but Neca says they don't have the mold and they never had such an arrangement setup.

Don Post Studios offers a recreated likeness of the mask, it looks like crap. It's a shame too. Cause the remake mask is the second best Myers mask ever made for the series. I would love to own a "From the Mold Replica"
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Yeah, I would love to have a good version of this Myers mask as well. I thought of taking one of the many copies of the original and just making one, but seeing this one up close ( I took a few other pictures of it besides these) I realized I could not do that well enough to look good. Yet another mask I will wait for, or have custom made from the pictures down the road at some point (tried talking Tyler into just giving me his, but no luck so far:rolleyes)

**Happy to say - There is a little something "in-the-works" on a replica of the Pumpkin mask.:love
I found a knife that looks like the screen used one at Goodwill (along with a Big Trak - which I have been looking for:rolleyes) someone had painted the handle but when I strip that paint off I think it will be close:thumbsup
The Don Post looks horrible off the shelf, but I've seen a few reainted and rehaired that looked great! The sculpt that DP used is very good.

I've got one on the way now and will be reworking it. Can't wait to get it dne..

On another note, is the screen used Pumpkin mask actually made of paper mache?