Had some lunch, made a Mystery Men Prop


Well-Known Member
This is something very simple I've wanted to do for a long time. While preparing to open some chicken soup for dinner the other day I finally decided to stop being so lazy and get to work. I think it turned out pretty well - pull tab on the top and everything. I based it off a pic I had saved from an eBay auction ages ago....

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HA I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!!! So awesome that you made that, will you rent chickens also? What can did you use? As i remember the canned tornado was alot bigger then a can of soup.
This can used to hold one of the 'ultra' soups - with all sorts of bigger veggies, chicken, etc. I'd say it's at least twice the size of a normal soup can. Circumference is around 11". It seems about right to me - and was the biggest can I could find that had a pull tab on top.
Sure! No problem at all. It is a Coreldraw .cdr file though. Let me know if that works for you.
I don't have anything that will open that file, but my brother does. He can convert it into a pdf for me or something.