Grimwood's 2014 Halloween Costume Entry

Re: My Grey Knight! The Emperor's Chosen!

Looking good. Just an idea....ditch the biceps. If you want to move your arms at all. Otherwise great progress.
Re: My Grey Knight! The Emperor's Chosen!

Looking good. Just an idea....ditch the biceps. If you want to move your arms at all. Otherwise great progress.

I'm going to do that very thing. Even cutting away a large portion of the chest/arm hole, it's still going to be an issue. So, off they go! I found some black plastic mesh I can use as sleeves (12'x12') from harbor freight that I'm hoping I can paint. I couldn't find any duct work that would work for me that fit my massive guns... heh.

The shoulders are going to be the next big project. Also, finishing the pelvic girdle/belt and abs. I really don't like the way it looks right now. Needs something, even though its such a small part that's barely noticeable under the torso.

Finally, the harness is going to be another big project.

I really am enjoying this build, but I need to stay focused. I haven't even started on the electronics for the head or torso (fans, sound system, lighting) I have about 2 months to get it done... I can do this!
Re: My Grey Knight! The Emperor's Chosen!

$!&$/&@!!! Wasted a lot of abs plastic on a failed print job! Argh! That will teach me to leave a printer unattended!!

Received my Hunter harness today! Will start putting the whole thing together soon to make sure everything lines up. I've worked the last 5 days in a row so I haven't had much opportunity to get much done in the build. But, I have the next 4 days off! Woot!! Lots of things to do!


Picked up a couple of pretty decent skullies to start the detail work. Ive found some pretty awesome chain for one leg, and have started sketching out a heretic decapitated noggin to attach to my belt. What is it with Warhammer and those skulls?

Also just up and ordered a grey knight helm since every version I created was coming out looking... Well, like crap, honestly. I have three versions of wasted foam that now look down upon my work bench, taunting me with their faux purity...

pics to come!
Re: My Grey Knight! The Emperor's Chosen!

BFM!!! I'll let you figure out what that stands for...


All right, so this is what I have to work in. :) Actually, this is pre-clean-up after some heavy duty building this weekend. Finally got my printer issues figured out and have started printing again. Part of my problem, besides an incredibly disorganized work space, was I tried printing too much at one time.



I also realized I don't want my space marine to look like every other space marine out there. Sure, the basic stuff will be the same, ginormous shoulder, incredibly difficult ambulatory gymnastics, but I was trying to do things just like everyone else, and ended up ... not doing things correctly. Finally, I decided to just build it using my own embellishments and be damned the consequences. :) I have one leg attached, need to re-do the abdomen (that cheap rolled foam from HF looked terrible when I tried to work it into the build using the nice .5" crosslinked polyethylene foam.


Power lance! I spent about 2 hours wrapping this 6' pvc pipe with paracord. I have already started the lance, then decided I didn't like the way it looked, and bought some extruded foam. That will be my next step, after the other leg is attached. This version looks a little too blocky.


Started work on the neck piece. Again, initially tried to do what everyone else was doing, and it just didn't look right. So, I've started with my own interpretation. All thanks to the mighty Mark I for standing in for this photo:


Finally, to prove I'm not a complete slob, (and changing the name from Slob-Cave back to Man Cave)


Look at that... you can actually see the tables!

More progress to come...
Re: My Grey Knight! The Emperor's Chosen!

Yep, still plan to do the grey knight... will look sort of like this guy:

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Re: My Grey Knight! The Emperor's Chosen!

you have more room than me lol if its not a mess your doing something wrong lol...

great work.. I take least an hour to clean up :)
Re: My Grey Knight! The Emperor's Chosen!

image.jpgMoving right along! Lots of filling and sanding to do yet but it's getting there! Need to build the shoulder supports and work on the arms

never thought I'd get this far!
Re: My Grey Knight! The Emperor's Chosen!

Space Marine stands alone!


Nah... Space Marines never stand alone. They have thousands of brothers everywhere to help vanquish heretics and orks alike!

So, he can stand by himself, here's is what remains to be completed:

1) Shoulders need to be bigger. This will actually be an easy fix. This style is based on Pilerud's design, but appeared small when I was cutting it out. On gluing it all together, it's pretty obvious. I can add on to the bottom to make them larger, however.

2) this line edited for the benefit of Oldskooleffects.

3) Arms are done, for the most part. Need to put the elbows together and figure out what I'm going to do with the bicep area.

4) Pelvic area. I'm not really happy with how this turned out, and will probably re-do it. The abdominal area is also in need of a re-do.

5) Fill and sand.... fill and sand

6) Embellishments! I have the skulls and other items to attach to the shoulders and knees, chest and other areas.

7) Plasti-dip x 3 and prime then paint.

I took the lower half out for a walk last night and clomped around a bit. I can't stress enough how important it is to have 1) a servitor and 2) strong pvc glue. I had thought all parts were firmly glued together, but it took a slight mis-step onto an uneven surface to cause the right stilt to come apart, leaving me balancing on one foot. No harm done, just some creative gymnastic endeavors to extricate myself from the oversized leg.

Travelling to TC for the weekend, so build will be put on hold until Tuesday.

Thanks for watching!


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Re: My Grey Knight! The Emperor's Chosen!

like that I want one :D


Looks good here..
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Re: My Grey Knight! The Emperor's Chosen!

I think the eye holes in that helmet look a bit weird. A Space Marine usually has a lot more of a glare to it. The eye holes kinda remind me of Wall-E..... :p
Re: My Grey Knight! The Emperor's Chosen!

Work steadily progresses on Tiny. I thought I was close to being done, but realize I have a lot of work to do yet.

The smallest details take the longest time. Well, that and waiting for paint/caulk/etc to dry. I created a design for one of the knees:


"If you desire peace, prepare for war"

It still needs the final coat of black and silver paint, but will look pretty good once it's applied to the right knee.

Shoulders are nearing completion. Does that caulk ever dry? Sanding has been a bit of a pain, but it's getting there. I have a trim piece to apply, then final paint, and Boom, shoulders will be ready for mounting.

I devised my own shoulder brace to attach the shoulder bells to the chest piece. Will still allow some flexibility, and gets the job done. Looks great on paper, and the initial mock up looks promising.

The chest is 85% done. I need to attach a couple of fans, the speakers for the MSB (although this version I have is pretty loud) and some more greeblies. The final step will be applying the metallic look with silver paint, attaching the center piece applique and final trim work. I've drawn out the backpack but that may have to wait unless I get the main part of the suit done. I'm hoping to have it completed by 10/25. (BiG Halloween party)

Abdomen is finally complete. I had the silly thing upside down! I couldn't figure out why it wasn't fitting correctly (was too small) in the pelvic girdle. I'm very happy with the way it turned out.

Legs are nearing paint readiness. Need to put the finishing touches on the knees and that part will be done. I need to figure out a way to attach the feet to the stilts that makes them removable without too much fuss for transport, yet still makes it look like one entire piece. Rather than attach duct work to the legs, I designed a black mesh "curtain" folded in half then shaped into a tube that hides the back of the legs very well. This hangs down into the shin, and is much lighter than the duct work. (Cheaper too)

Arms... this is frustrating. Bicep area is unusable, so will need to fashion the accordion duct tubing and attach it to the chest. I may use the mesh, but it's a little flimsy... will have to experiment a bit.

The suit can stand on its own now, which is cool. He's a tiny fella. :p
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