Green Lantern trailer

I have often seen movies despite reviews, but I guess what the reviewers say about this one just resonates with me in a way that makes me want to skip it.

And fo' real? are you telling MattMunson to "live a little"?????? :lol
If it gives any idea of what sort of movie that Warner/DC was looking for in GL, the original script, from what I've read, was to star Jack Black and only vaguely resembled Green Lantern. About the only aspect of that script that resembled the original comics was the ring and that it could manifest anything the wearer could imagine, but with Jack Black in the lead everything he would have created would have been silly and/or stupid.
Warner/DC needs to stick to making really good animated movies of their properties. Those rarely suck as hard as the live action ones. I wasn't a fan of this from the trailer and now the merchandising commercials makes me think it's a 2 hour commercial for the items.
If it gives any idea of what sort of movie that Warner/DC was looking for in GL, the original script, from what I've read, was to star Jack Black and only vaguely resembled Green Lantern. About the only aspect of that script that resembled the original comics was the ring and that it could manifest anything the wearer could imagine, but with Jack Black in the lead everything he would have created would have been silly and/or stupid.

Well, to be clear, that was not "the original script" that the new movie was developed from, but was instead one of the pitches that made it to the early phases of development. Different cycle. If you google it, you can find a synopsis of the plot, and yes, it would have been truly awful.

Instead we get what we get now. :lol
Well, to be clear, that was not "the original script" that the new movie was developed from, but was instead one of the pitches that made it to the early phases of development. Different cycle. If you google it, you can find a synopsis of the plot, and yes, it would have been truly awful.

Instead we get what we get now. :lol

That's true, I probably should have been more clear about that. Still, my point in bringing in the (thankfully) aborted Jack Black GL movie was to show what sort of movie that Warner/DC was looking for in GL. Given that their first go at a GL movie was to have been a Jack Black movie is it all that surprising that this GL movie seems to be a bit on the silly side? It also shows that as bad as this GL movie might be it could have been much worse if they had decided to produce the Jack Black GL movie; given the success of the Kung Fu Panda movies I'm almost surprised that they didn't end up doing so and trying to cash in on the (relative) popularity of Jack Black.
well I went to see it last night, with pretty low expectations. it was actually better than I thought it would be. they totally screwed up parallax, but i sort of expected that. lot of weird changes. the use of powers was pretty cool. hammond was done pretty well, as was sinestro, though underused
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