Green Lantern trailer

Okay, you've got me on the language.

But why couldn't the ring make for better character designs? Most of 'em couldn't even fit in on Jabba's barge, which, I have to say, is quite telling.
Marty did a brave thing by casting John Waters.

I dunno about that Green Lantern dude. Always came up with the lamest things on Super Friends verse the Legion of Doom to fight the baddies, like a giant fly swatter. Didn't a bird totally knock him out also?

Green Lantern Movie

So, I am NOT a fan of Green Lantern. I've always felt that the magic ring thing was too far gone for me to get interested. My knowledge of the universe was just nil.

Then I saw the new movie preview, with 4 full minutes of footage. LORD!!! That trailer made me want to get myself a ring. This movie looks amazing! I don't even know half of what's going on, but I DO know awesome when I see it. (no Blade Trinity comments please)

Anyone else REALLY excited after seeing the new trailer? I need one of those rings now. I will probably look like a moron wearing it, but I may just wear it anyway. hahaha

So, who's ready for Green Lantern? And what are we doing about a perfect, greenish movie replica ring??

Re: Green Lantern Movie

I'm a big GL fan, but wasn't sure about the movie when I saw the first preview. But after seeing the latest preview I can't wait for the movie.

As for the ring, search the Junkyard and you'll find a couple of people doing movie versions.
Re: Green Lantern Movie

Right there with you, Chuck. Never been a fan of most DC properties, but the 4 minutes of footage REALLY got me excited for this movie.
Re: Green Lantern Movie

Just watched the 4 minute trailer, and IMO, it's the best trailer I've seen in a really long time. I don't know jack about the GL, but that trailer has me itching to see this movie!
This is a fan made trailer i found on Youtube. It's amazing! I'll laugh my ass off if it turns out it's better than the actual movie. (Try and count how many movie clips make it up!)

YouTube - The Green Lantern Movie Trailer 2011 (see Description)

The fan-made trailer actually made me want to see that film! I don't get that same energy from the current trailer.

My bet is that Green Lantern will be a let down. I'm praying that the good ol' Captain America will be a blockbuster though. I was a big fan of that series when I was a kid! That and ROM the Space-Knight which essentially was a comic book designed to sell a robot toy. I dug em' both!
I was hoping to see some positives...but meh, just can't get jazzed after reading many, many, many negatives on this.

Sigh...I guess I am actually going to have to venture out into the sunlight and actually do something fun this weekend.
Seriously your gonna skip it based on reviews?

All I know is that if JetBeetle hates it I want to see it. :lol No offense intended but come on its a movie based on a comic book and its summer, pull the stick out of your asses and live a little
Yup. Just read a review. I think I'm gonna skip this one.

Review: 'Green Lantern' is pretty dull and dim - Yahoo! News

For the love of God Munson a woman did the review, she probably showed up expecting to see a romantic comedy since it has Ryan Reynolds in it.

That is NOT a sexist comment, but I have met ONE woman in my life that could answer any Green Lantern trivia question, so I doubt this bird even knew what the hell she was watching
Seriously your gonna skip it based on reviews?

All I know is that if JetBeetle hates it I want to see it. :lol No offense intended but come on its a movie based on a comic book and its summer, pull the stick out of your asses and live a little

Dude. Are you cereal?! Um...yeaaaah. Yes, based off the reviews I've read, it's a rental at best, and while I do not base all my movie watching off of reviews...this movie just has the look and smell of.....failure.

Sorry, for me at least, and my money...I just can't throw the money away and say to myself, self...this movie blows harder than a Dyson vacuum...but hey, self it's based off a comic and it's summer:sleep
It would be one thing if it was one or even just a few bad reviews, but this is getting hammered from every direction. (that and the trailer sucked out loud....) I was already planning on skipping based on the suckyness of the trailer and commercials, but now i can feel good about skipping it.
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