Green Hornets Black Beauty


Well-Known Member

Not sure if anyone is looking forward to the film, but I've seen 20 minutes of it and the props and Kato's fighting is outstanding.

Black Beauty was at SEMA and I snapped a few shots of it that you guys might enjoy.






The movie looks like its going to be good. Ill watch it. Seth Rogan is pretty funny and that kato look like he could kick ---
I know nothing about The Green Hornet, but The Black Beauty in this film makes me seriously think..,"Yeah That. I want one of those."
Such a sexy car.
No wonder the Green Hornet comes off like an idiot in this movie. The instruments are all marked in kanji! :lol
The Chinese labels cracked me up, but wasn't Kato supposed to be Japanese?

Anyway thanks for the pics, they're awesome!
i remember I sat inside one of the prop cars at nycc this year. was so much fun to touch some knobs and look at the dashboard. its a really really nice car. even the first generation black beauty was awesome!
The Chinese labels cracked me up, but wasn't Kato supposed to be Japanese?

This is something that's always annoyed the crap out of me.

Kato (the Japanese name) does not rhyme with "bay toe" -- It's kah-toe.

Very few people that badly will mispronounce their own names, or let their names be that badly mangled that long.

I really don't know how to explain the name.
Maybe this is the Chinese version and it's pronounced "Kay-Toe?"

Any one catch the Mythbusters they did with the Black Beauty and Seth Rogan?
They built and destroyed a few, I had no idea the cars were so easy to come by. I wonder how fast that will change?

I like the Green Hornet, but it was dark and this seems to be simply played for laughs. I'll still go see it, but I am not expecting as much as I did with the Dark Knight or something more serious.

The car definitely kicks butt.
im looking foward to the movie and i saw one of the black beauty's used in the film sadly they didnt have it open to see the inside at NY comic con a few months ago. hers the pic i got of it. they also had the motorcycle from the movie.